Ex racer adoption Pepper- advice wanted

Hi everyone, today we rescued this poor little girl. She’s an ex Irish racer and has been chained up for the last 3 years, starving, beaten and god knows what else. The site she came from was so bad there were dogs lying around that had died 💔🥺 it’s a very sad situation. We’ve got her home today and she’s unbelievably dirty, we’ve bathed her but think it will take a few washes. She’s covered in dead fleas from her flea treatment. Any advice on food, toys, beds anything would be greatly appreciated. We’re starting from scratch with her.

Sidenote: she has two ear tattoos TH & 327 can anyone help us with these? We think the T means 2018 for birth but other than that we’re clueless.

No more pain for Pepper ❤️‍🩹