South Asian male solo traveler here. I recently traveled to Greece to explore the archeological sites the country has to offer. But unfortunately the local police made it very difficult for me to enjoy my trip.

Each and every day I was in Athens, I was singled out and cornered by a group of police asking for ID. This even happened in line for Acropolis among other tourists (white) who weren't questioned. My passport wasn't enough, I had to show proof of my tickets. Similar incidents for the remaining days in Athens. When I asked why I was singled out, they didn't want to respond. It came to the point that I would make conscious decisions to avoid areas where there was heavy police presence. Not a pleasant way to spend my vacation days.

I've traveled across Europe solo many times and while I experienced bouts of racism, it never compared to the intimidation of police I experienced in Greece.

Wanted to share my experience for other non white solo travellers who aren't going to the islands and traveling mainland instead. While the country is beautiful, be aware of unwarranted police checks.