Hello all,

(If this is not the proper sub for this post I apologize and would appreciate someone pointing me in a more appropriate direction)

I arrived back from Greece this past weekend and unfortunately in the rush of security checks my partner and I left our two tablets and the security scanners. Luckily I have been able to confirm with the lost and found department that the items are in their possession, the only problem is I’ve been really struggling with the local courier services to get them back to Canada.

I have no issue with spending the courier fee regardless as these items are very important to us. I was posting here hoping someone perhaps had a similar (positive) experience and was able to give me some tips that could help me retrieve them.

Any help would be greatly, greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Edit: my items were returned but I will leave this up for future people like me searching for this. The airport might still recommend “SpeedPorter”, do not use them. They are basically out of service and were incompetent in helping me. Please use Deliverback, they shipped out my items the very next day and they shipped within the timeframe they outlined. Smooth with them, horrible otherwise