So, for a good portion of the time I had used Facebook, particularly between 2007 to 2022, I had felt completely ignored by everyone I had friended. I mean, I would comment on others’ pages and they would reply and everything but rarely respond to my posts organically As I did theirs. I don’t know exactly why this is. Could be a few things.

Mostly, I just want to know if anyone else felt ignored by friends/family/facebook acquaintances at certain points, and why do you think this was? Sometimes I would even make my posts public with some journal-style creative writing, poetry etc, but just, NOTHING. The only posts for engagement were photos and politics. The stuff that doesn’t matter.

What has been going on with social media? I feel like I could never be “myself” on there…too exposing… I also feel like social media is WAY too much work and I dont feel like I can “Connect” with people thru type.