Hey Ladies fyi this is a rant and I'm def not sober. I went to see Alanis Morrisette and Joan Jett tonight. Two bucket list artists for me. I went with friends and we had an amazing time. Alanis even pop surprises everyone by moving from the mainstage to a small stage a few rows right in front of us! We were dying it was so cool. They moved back and eventually encored with univited. I had shit that happened with weirdos eons ago and that song has always made me think about it. I started tearing up at that song as I was singing along. I was completely moved by her whole show and it just came out at that song.

Show ends we're booking it out to catch the first ferry back to Philly and we were pumped about what we just experienced. Having a wonderful moment. The ferry is a shit show to get back on from this venue there are two lines that merge and everyone in the long line is always pissed at the people in the other line merging cause if you miss the first ferry you're fucked and have to wait for it to come back. We walk up from the smaller merge line as I usually do. I've been to a ton of shows there and know to go that way. There were a few men yelling at everyone to get to the back of the line. This man in front of us was screaming at this older guy and his wife he was going to kick his ass and another man was screaming at all of us women.

My friend told me to ignore it cause she knew I was getting riled up muttering shit under my breath. I could not stop myself. I think I yelled something like stfu you men shouldn't even be here! One of them yelled yes we should this is a concert for everyone. As he berated women Pfft. The line started moving and my friend stifled me and we kept moving. Look I know it's a concert for everyone but after the experience we had as women to have it end like that was maddening. Leave your testosterone at the door mfers. They really harshed the whole vibe and I was and guess I am livid. I do have a temper but should've disengaged I just couldn't stop myself from saying exactly what I was thinking. I was surprised at the amount of men there tbh. I usually go to metal shows which are dominated by men and I gotta say they are much more respectful and nice then the assholes at this show.

Tldr I'm drunk sorry.