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Slicing image into 80x40=3200 parts, 1 px padding, custom naming the output

For a personal project I need to create tiles that will be loaded into a program. The program requires the tiles to be a particular size and also have 1 pixel of padding on all sides. The images also need to follow a naming convention so the program puts them in a correct order. The image in question is 81920x40960 and needs to be cut into 1024x1024 tiles which result in 80x40 tiles, a total of 3200 tiles. Would be a simple job if the 1 pixel padding wasn't a requirement, f you measured 3 tiles across on the map at 1:1 it would be 3066 pixels ((1024-2)*3). The naming convention also makes it tricky, it should look like this: "m000000" where the first three 0s is the x coordinate and the latter three the y coordinates. Manually renaming 3200 tiles is a job I would like to avoid.

So the steps I need to do this are:

1-Upscale to 81920x40960: Done, worked like a charm.

2-Overlay Guides into the image: That requires some black magic, I can't seem to tell GIMP to give me a 80x40 grid. I could get crafty.

3-1 Pixel padding: Not even sure how to go about that.

4-Slicing by guide.: There is a button for that and it works.

5-Naming convention: Can gimp even do that?

Thinking of swapping over to GIMP

I have been using for all my image editing projects for the past 2 years. I'm not 100% happy with it and was wondering if anyone else had swapped over and what the pros & cons are of each program. Any feedback would be great.

Understanding DPI settings?

So I'm trying to understand what DPI I should be working at the get the most put of my printer, however it seems like GIMP DPI and my printer manuals DPI are confusingly different.

My printer says its a 4800 x 1200 DPI printer. Do I set my files to a max of 1200 DPI in GIMP?

GIMP History panel missing-tried all troubleshooting steps, still no luck.

Hello everyone! I am a GIMP user on Windows, and I’ve been having a really weird issue. My history panel is missing, and I’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps I could find, including resetting the UI, reinstalling GIMP, and resetting my preferences. But still,the history panel is nowhere to be found! Does anyone have any other ideas or suggestions for what I could try? I’m really stuck here and would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance!

[help] need help with backlighting/rim light.

[SOLVED] So i want to add rim-light to a pre-existing sprite sheet. Problem is that. Yes, i could just select everything on the layer then use a fading brush tool to paint around the sprites, but if i do that then the animation (because the animation is tied to the sprite sheet) gets weird and the rim-light changes drastically each frame, which doesn't look good when the animation is playing.

So i wonder, is there a way to automatically do this with a filter or script or anything? So that i don't need to sit there and suffer painting around every animation in the sprite.


[Help] Abort the Importation of Hundreds of Images

OS: Windows 10

Latest stable build of Gimp.

I somewhat regularly find myself editing together gifs in Gimp by way of importing image sequences of often dozens or even hundreds of .pngs each. However, just as frequently, I find that I need to cancel the operation of importing these hundreds of images into Gimp without having to wait for upwards of 2 minutes for the importation to be completed. 2 minutes completely wasted.

I'm unable to locate any button in the GUI or app that allows me to cancel the operation, nor does any key or combination of keys on my keyboard seem to cease it either. The only "solution" I have found is to close the image that the pngs are being imported into, subsequently crashing the software.

I've tried searching where I can, but this problem is either so specific, I'm the only person experiencing it, or any language I can think to use to try and find anyone else with the same issue is so shockingly disparitous to the language anyone else is ascribing that I'm unable to get anywhere close.

Is there something obvious I'm missing here, or is this issue truly so obscure that nobody has ever cared about such a strange edge-case before, and likely never will?

Thank you for your time.

How do I add custom brushes to gimp?

I'm new to gimp and I'm still trying to figure things out

align tool wont work


i have right layer selected, i clicked on it, and whatever i do it wont align, same with other layers

Why only green…?

So I’m new to texture packs and GIMP and I’m trying to make a texture pack for Minecraft. I am currently fiddling with the exp bar, but any color I try to add turns into a shade of green instead of the original color, can anyone help?

Sprite Breast Enlargement

How do I give sprites like these bigger boobs?

Frequently asked questions: Is GIMP intuitive? or why is GIMP not intuitive?

I am a bit frustrated with the discussions, about whether an application is intuitive or not. This is how I see it:

Intuitive: The user can use the application without investing in learning how to use the application.

Easy to use: This is something that can only be evaluated after you have studied the application sufficiently.

I can't say whether GIMP is intuitive because I studied it sufficiently before using it. But I can say, that GIMP is easy to use for the same reason.

What would be the easiest way to change written words in an image?

I am altering written words and numbers in a picture I took. I have little to no experience in these Photoshop type programs. How would I change written words in an image?

Gimp window layout stored where (on linux)?

There is a ~/.config/GIMP/<version>/ directory with a gazillion subdirs on my system. Anyone know where in all that clutter gimp is stashing the window layout and geometries so it can start with windows in the same place the next time I run it? It has convinced itself the main gimp window should be 90% off the screen at startup and I can't seem to change its mind, so I'd like to just delete the saved geometry. (Maybe add a script that does that every time I run it :-).

Removing a background, if image is very similar in color?

Hello everyone,

I am editing some manga panels for a project I am working on. However manga panels are all uniformly grey, black, and white.

When using fuzzy select or color select to eliminate the background, it ends up taking about 50% of the photo with it.

Are there any work arounds for this?