Fuck the alt-right

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We’re not debating the 2024 POTUS election. Read why —
Federal elections for President of the United States

(because they are performed by the proxy system of the Electoral College, and because of the high prevalence & popularity of the Democratic party and Republican party in the United States),

Are a:

  • Locked-In
  • Zero-Sum
  • First-Past-the-Post
  • Winner Takes All

Electoral System.

(These qualities make the POTUS election significantly distinct from many other US federal, state, and local elections.)

The choice to opt-out of the POTUS election, to no-bill all candidates, was precluded in 1787 at the adoption of the Constitution of the United States,0 and never overhauled. That’s what “Locked-In” means. You can’t quit the game.

As a result, every voting-eligible citizen is thrust into an inescapable choice, a kind of Trolley Problem:

Pursuant to the choices of the electorate, one or the other candidate will take power.

Republican or Democratic.

Nothing else.

Choosing to abstain from this vote is simply expressed as “I’m OK with either one”1 , because one of them will be in power. That’s what “Zero-Sum”2 means. If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Running other “independent” candidates who profess some variation of one major party’s platform is a long-leveraged tactic to “split” support for that major party’s candidate, by peeling off voters who would vote for the major party’s candidate. So is promoting “Well my vote is worthless because my state has historically been [opposition party candidate]’s electoral votes.” They serve to split support, to split the vote, and to suppress turnout1 . That’s what “First Past the Post” means3 .

And the winner is not a lone individual; the winner brings with him or her an entire slate of secretaries, directors, appointees, etc etc etc. It’s an entire executive branch, not merely one person. That’s what “Winner Takes All” means.4

As a result of these qualities of the POTUS electoral system, we observe these facts:

The GOP — which is a theofascist, terrorist cult that agrees with the views and goals of Nazism on LGBTQ people, immigrants, and reproductive rights — as well as the GOP’s ideological allies — want (from you, an eligible US voter in the 2024 POTUS election) the following in order of preference:

  • For you to vote Republican (presumptively Donald Trump);
  • For you to vote for anyone other than the Democratic Candidate;
  • For you to not vote;
    — and absolute last —
  • For you to vote for the Democratic Candidate.

Anything other than a vote for the Democratic Candidate (presumptively Joe Biden)

is not merely preferred by the Republicans (who, as a reminder, are planning to outlaw reproductive health care, birth control, LGBTQ people, brown people, etc at home and abroad, answering only to party leaders, not to protests or protestors or protest votes)

But is something they actively desire.

So that the 2024 POTUS election, and control of the US Federal government (and thus state and local) be handed to them for at least the next generation.

And as the wisdom says,6

You Do Not, Under Any Circumstances, "Gotta Hand It To Them"

If you’re OK with the US Republican Party controlling any amount of government power,

If you believe that assisting the fascist terrorists that are the US Republican Party is a Good Thing™️,

you are in the wrong space.7

This is a space for analysing and opposing conservative terrorism (the alt-right phenomenon), not helping it seize power.

So if you come here and start trying to play this playbook or demand that people not vote effectively against the seizure of power by seditionist, White Identity Extremist, misogynist, theofascist terrorists —

We ban you.

Further Reading:

*0 Timeline of drafting and ratification of the United States Constitution; Wikipedia Article
Available at: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_drafting_and_ratification_of_the_United_States_Constitution

*1 Grant M. Hayden, Abstention: The Unexpected Power of Withholding Your Vote, 43 Conn. L. Rev. 585 (2010)
Available at: https://scholarlycommons.law.hofstra.edu/faculty_scholarship/560

*2 Zero-Sum Game; Wikipedia Article
Available at: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-sum_game

*3 First Past the Post Voting; Wikipedia Article
Available at: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First-past-the-post_voting

*4 Presidency of Donald Trump, Section: Supreme Court Nominations; Wikipedia Article Chapter
Available at: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Donald_Trump#Supreme_Court_nominations

*5 Indictments against Donald Trump; Wikipedia Article
Available at: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indictments_against_Donald_Trump

*6 @dril on Twitter, 5:02 AM Feb 15, 2017

*7 Be instead anywhere but here. A history class, for preference.

Pinnedby BardfinnModeratorPropagandhist
Been visiting Facebook and damn the Trump supporters aren't functioning well...

They're claiming Trump raised 52 million from his conviction (no evidence says he actually has) and even if he did most of that won't go to his campaign anyway. Not only that they keep regurgitating Trump's lies and basically acting like they have no mid of their own. And they keep framing themselves as morally 'above' BLM protestors even when I said 'no, you just stormed the capitol to keep Trump in power'. They then parrot the whole 'the rioters weren't armed' and claim it wasn't even an insurrection...

Morons gotta be morons huh?