I'm wondering whether anyone here knows if there's any legal recourse for a friend of mine.

In October of 2022 when the government froze sales and transfers of handguns, my friend bought himself a handgun late in the afternoon of the last day. The request was sent in to transfer ownership to him, but approval did not come in before the rule took effect, so his handgun has had to stay at the store where he bought it this whole time. Also, this is his first handgun and he was, of course, really hoping to get one before the regulation changed (but not quite enough to go there earlier than last minute, apparently, lol)

He's written his MLA complaining, as well as the Minister of Public Safety as it seems to be part of their portfolio, but no exception or allowance has been made for him to actually take possession of this pistol.

Does anyone know if he has any legal recourse to take possession of this? Would he need to try to get the store to refund, try to wait out the regulation (if possible), or can the CFO make an exception still?

Also, this is in BC, if that makes a difference.