Had a really odd issue the last 2 days. Got an agonising pain in my right shoulder radiating into my neck and causing a headache. The newly upped dose of fibro meds i take will not touch it and yet all my other pains reduced greatly as expected and it feels like I have pulled twisted or torn a muscle or trapped/ damaged a nerve. Has anyone else had this. I am wondering if fibro is making me percieve it as severe when its a little bit of a slightly sprained muscle or I have slept funny and caught a nerve. Tramadol and amitripyline are quite powerfull meds and they are reducing all other pain bar my shoulder and the muscalr pain gel you buy for arthritis and joint pain does not help. Anyone else had a really intense regional pain for no reason which is totally different to their normal pain. I would go to a and e but they will give me a one of high dose of a strong painkiller of some sort and say its a "flair " then send me home and say see a gp if it carries on. Did it for chest pain and that was all they said.