I was drugging along this game almost against my will. The more I played, the more I got caught up in sunken cost fallacy. Even from the beginning, Rebirth felt more like Mario Party than final fantasy with the amount of mini games they shoehorned into it but I kept progressing. It wasn’t fun. It felt work rather than pleasure.

Then I hit Rufus. That was the final straw. It’s not a fun battle. I don’t feel like I’m learning the mechanics. The Rufus battle feels like a microcosm of the rest of the game. Needlessly difficult with a huge difficulty spike. The level design is even worse. Who in their right minds made it so that the build has to be respeced after every defeat? Again, another time consuming oversight that does nothing more than slow down an already painfully bloated game. This entry is by far and away Square’s biggest disappointment.