If we’re actually being so “agile” and using the whole feedback loop the system is designed for, then why is it such a big deal to have constant deadlines and an even bigger issue when an arbitrary deadline set by management is missed? It doesn’t seem like it should be an issue if the sprint goal is missed when there are unforeseen problems or work needed to be done. Isn’t that kinda the whole point, to be able to adapt on the fly and work incrementally?

Obviously this shouldn’t always happen, but it’s not necessarily the developer’s fault if it does either. Usually I think it’s a failure of leadership more than anything if the work can’t be done smoothly for whatever reasons. Tech debt, lack of documentation, no ownership of codebases, etc. All this planning and all these tools seem to be underutilized and more just a way of managers keeping tabs on progress as work gets completed. And so that they can put a hard stop on a “project” even though there almost never truly is, but they want to be able to put their stamp on a successful project.

Instead of using all these great tools that allow for asynchronous teamwork and should increase productivity, we all sit in hours of meetings every day with way too many people where 90% of them have no reason to be there. And we’re all working across different time zones so it’s never easy to get something scheduled. I really think if there are more than 5 or so people on a call at one time it’s a complete waste of time and most people are just there for show.