If I want to find both ATT and AT&T, what kind of wildcard could I use? I can’t use AT*T as that pulls in other words like Atlantic and I can’t use AT?T as that removes ATT from matching.

For further context, I have a SEARCH formula that pulls from a cell where the user can type in text to search for a match. I want to make sure they can match both ATT and AT&T if they use the correct wildcard when searching.

Edit: Realized I didn't really give enough context. Below is a simplified mock-up of what's going on to provide better context. The Search is used to mark the row as True which lets me filter for ZIP codes dynamically for only the company the user is asking for.

In the screenshot below, all the ATT/AT&T rows need to come back as TRUE. But I'm not sure if it's possible to do that with a single input from the user. For 97035, it should come back with the address 5 Oak Ave 97535 because AT&T North should register as TRUE for a Search of ATT.

