I just had an interchange raid where I killed 60 scavs/PMCs. You can't even loot the bodies without new ones spawning right next to you. I was just trying to do Killa / Long Line.

Can't BSG implement a new thing in a way that actually makes sense?

Why do scavs run towards YOU, and not where they heard gun fire before? I shot a PMC and went into a secluded office to heal, closed all doors and such, but of course this dumb as fuck AI comes straight at me without any pause at all until the end of the raid. Repositioning isn't doing anything as well, they just know where you are at all times.

60 fuckin scavs. Could've been more if I hadn't extracted at 8 minutes left.

Also noticed that scavs/PMCs don't actually pick up loot, they spawn right with it. Once again a half-assed implementation.