I can never get a clear answer to what emoviolence is, there seems to be a lot of confusion around this genre and I’m really trying to wrap my head around what elements it has more or less of (I.e. mostly powerviolence with emotional lyrics, punk combined with blah blah blah) every response I see combine multiple subgenres into emoviolence and it is very confusing. All I know is I love Orchid and Saetia but god damn will there ever be a definite genre these type of bands fall under? it’s always mentioned with skramz, hardcore, emo, screamo, post-hardcore, and punk but on Reddit “emoviolence” is thrown around and mixed in with these and it is very confusing. main reason why I’m asking is I’m in a “punk” band as a singer but if I just start spitting some shit that is similar to orchid, would that make our songs immediately emo? screamo? skramz? hardcore???? it’s all so confusing.