Exactly as the titles states...


How do you do it without room mates? Prices are outrageous, especially when paired with the cost of groceries and daily necessities of life. Even worse? Trying to find a suitable unit that will allow my (super lazy, quiet, and well trained) large breed (130lb large, I meant it...) dog...

I have been looking for housing since March, and have been homeless since then. I am one person, I am not rich, I have no support here, and am currently on income support, and working hard to get off of it. It is near impossible to both find a place to live, and also keep on top of applying for jobs that seem so abundant, yet I have heard barely a whisper in response to what I have put out.

I am running out of every thing.

Sanity. Time. Drive.

My mental health is crumbling.

The supports AB offers are hardly that, and so many fall through the cracks - like myself.

How can a city so large, that shows so much growth, have nothing to offer? I'm a solid candidate, with a great foundation of employment, and am well spoken and super charismatic - this used to be the easy part, but instead it's a time of the day I'd rather avoid and pretend was not there.

What is this, Canada?

**** Edit: WHOA! I have so much to catch up on, and from what I was browsing over, some are great ideas, thoughts and input! I'll try and respond to comments!

To those who have suggested surrendering my boy for adoption, I cannot. He is my absolute BEST FRIEND. To leave him, even the thought if it, makes my heart drop, and my soul ache.

If you've ever heard of the cat distribution system of the world, know that it too exists for dogs. Because I was not even remotely looking for a dog when we met. And from that fateful day in Oct 2020, when he was small enough to sit in my lap in a car -both our lives changed.