I am trying to sell an electric wheelchair that folds that unfortunately hasn’t gotten much interest besides someone in Arizona who asked if I could possibly ship it (currently listed as pick up only), I really need the money and the person says they’d be happy to pay for shipping. The only problem is that it weighs 50ish pounds and is pretty long when collapsed, maybe 3-4 feet. I know I can find a box and get my dad to help bring it to the post office or whatever but I don’t think eBay has a label that works with the dimensions/weight. How could I ship something this big and heavy and what shipping service would be best

Also I don’t think is anything to worry about (I can’t use the s word or my post will be taken down but ya know) because nothing in the way of sending movers or paying through check/paypal has been mentioned but ofc I’m new and inexperienced so if you think I’m being obtuse please tell me :)