Usually I use my own decks when playing at an LGS. However after one game I realised my decks way overpowered my pod's decks. So I borrowed a deck from an opponent.

The other players were also all sharing decks from these players and it was clear they play together often.

I played the deck and had the most boring game I've ever had. It was a cool concept, turning lands into creatures and beating people down with them. However most of the game I did nothing except play a creature or enchantment. The other players did the same thing, just playing their decks with zero interaction between them.

We all could have walked away during our opponents turn and the outcome would have been the same. I looked through the deck after the game and saw 0 interaction spells. No way to play the game on opponents turns or react at all and I was blown away.

All of my decks have at least 10, usually 15-25 ways of interacting with opponents and I don't quite understand why people would build decks like this, I may as well Goldfish hands. Any help understanding would be great, thanks!

Edit: so I'm seeing some common themes show up here. I'll add my thoughts in, but I don't think either is necessarily correct.

  1. The most prevalent is that people don't want to cut pet ("fun and exciting") cards for Deck vegetables ("unfun") cards. I think what this means is that those people and I have a fundamental difference it what we find enjoyable. I personally find the larger flexibility and playtime the removal gives me to be fun, and the only play on my turn aspect boring and un-enjoyable.

  2. Another common one is cutting cards out of the core strategy of the deck to fit them in. I see this as poor game knowledge or deck building or a small collection issue though. The majority (not all) of strategies these days are having plenty of synergistic pieces printed for them. The most commonly used example is your elf or creature decks don't need to run naturalise when they can run rec sage or loran of the third path etc.

  3. People want to zone out not on their turn and not be focussed on the game, or have to think as hard all the time. I don't understand this one at all, if I sit down to play a game (especially with other people), I'm there to play the game, if I wanted to zone out, I'd play a single player game, or do a hobby alone or watch tv, go for a run or workout or stretch or have a nap if anyone could enlighten further on this, that'd be great

  4. The players are inexperienced. Fair enough if they are, except they aren't always and mostly aren't from my experience

  5. The LGS/playgroup/pod 'doesn't like it' so I don't do it or I get bullied, abused, not played with etc etc. Get out of there asap, find new people if you can, classic case of fun for me but not for thee, if they're abusing you/bullying you for playing the game your way, their way is fucked, they're a bad person and should feel bad. Just because the other players don't play interaction and I wish they would, doesn't mean I'm never going to play with them or be an asshole to their face, that respect should go both ways.

  6. 'My deck is the one who knocks'. A good take, and perfectly valid. E.g. aggro red or gruul decks certainly want to play less interaction, until there is a [[propaganda]] or similar effect on the field. The prevalence of this mindset tells me that not enough Stax or pillowfort is played in the format (hated out) and so people feel they don't need interaction, because well, they don't. If others aren't playing cards that stop you, why would you play cards that stop them stopping you when they aren't doing that?

**EDIT 2: There's alot of people mentioning that I probably am only talking about instant speed spot removal, this is not the case and I probably should have been clear with this from the original post. When I say interaction I am meaning everything from:

-bounce (cyc rift, unsummon),

-board wipes (toxic deluge, tragic arrogance, damnation),

-spot removal (rec sage, acidic slime, path to exile, dismember),

-grave hate (soul guide Lantern, szats will, bojuka bog),

-counterspells (an offer you can't refuse, a flash creature that counters something),

-reusable (yawgmoth thrans physician, ),

-edicts (fleshbag marauder)**

  • land hate (demolition field)

And more!

Edit 3: Also thankyou everyone for your input. I have a better understanding now which is what I was after, even if I don't agree with some of what you've said or enjoy the same style as you, that's okay, I understand we're all different and that we don't have to like the same things, I don't think any less of anyone for having a different opinion.