My daughter’s been in daycare since she was 3 months old, she turned 2 yrs old a couple months ago. This is her 3rd daycare she’s ever attended, she’s been at this center since April 1 (the previous was from Nov-Apr).

She never once had anything said by her previous daycares about her behavior ever. In fact I often get complimented for how well behaved my kids are by past teachers and babysitters.

Since starting this school her teacher tells us like 2-4x/week that she had problems sharing, she needs to practice gentle hands, she needs to work on her big feelings, not taking toys from the other kids, no pushing.

We read her books about hands are not for hitting, we redirect, we talk about sharing, we practice these things with other kids. She has a 4.5 yr old brother and they can get upset about toys on occasion, but it’s seriously not that often and I’ve never witnessed anything extreme.

We had friends with 2 kids the same ages come stay 4 days with us last week and there were a couple crying instances for not wanting to share a special toy, but really it was a pleasant weekend and the vast majority of the time she did a great job sharing and taking turns.

Not trying to minimize what the teacher tells us. Like we’re practicing, we’re reading about it, we’re talking about it, she’s getting opportunities to work on it with other kids. Daycare is just a totally different environment than at home, so maybe we’re just not recreating the exact circumstances that seem to be setting her off nearly everyday.

I asked the teacher awhile back if my daughter was going to be kicked out and she was like “Whoa! No no nooo nothing like that, we just like to let you know”. So I don’t know if they just like report every tantrum or something?

My eldest had been in daycare since 3 months old too and we’ve moved around a bit, so I’ve gotten to see how about 6-8ish daycares function and this is the first I’ve experienced this.

I just don’t really know what to do at this point.

She’s also much bigger than the other kids in her class. She’s 26 months old in a class for 12-24 month olds and she’s 99th percentile for height and weight so she kind of towers over the other kids which may be a factor. She’s also an early talker and the other kids aren’t all speaking as much, so maybe that could be frustrating her? They’re meant to move her to the 2-3yr old class soon, but there isn’t a spot available yet.

Should I try to have a meeting w the teacher more formally about this? I just don’t know how that would differ from her telling me all the things we should do at home and me telling her we’re doing them and trying our best again.

Should I ask the director for solutions?

Should I just ignore it since she’s moving to another class soon anyways? (My husband’s stance)

Should I consider changing schools in case maybe the next one can handle her better like her previous schools seemed to? (My mom’s stance)