Maybe this is just my daycare but I’ve really found the nastiest people work in childcare and I don’t understand it, I am a teacher assistant I’m not full time so I float around the rooms for breaks and take over when someone leaves and since working here for a year I’ve found the teachers and some teaching assistants are so nasty to staff and children. My place has a high turnover rate so we are endlessly having new people and they are all the same, one teacher will scream at the kids all day another will grab and move them aggressively is this normal behavior in a daycare. I got this job because I love kids I use to babysit when I’m with the kids alone they act fine we have a great time I feel like I’m losing my mind here.

Also as a side note the director does not care she also actively yells at the staff and one of the teaching assistants tried to talk to the owner of our building and got yelled at then was told by the director she wasn’t allowed to do that again and she is not allowed to contact corporate. I just want to tell these parents how this are actually going here.