I just went down a half-hour, frustrated rabbithole trying to find the voice actors for the various characters, because only Jeff Hays was mentioned by name. I could believe that one voice actor did Carl, the System A.I, Mordecai, even Donut. It was about the point of the Meadow Lark group and Odette that I started doubting they were the same voice actor, and my doubt escalated the further into the books I got. Surely, I thought, foolishly, it couldn't be just one guy.

But like... it is? It's just Jeff Hays. Half-crab woman with gigantic breasts? Jeff Hays. Old people? Jeff Hays. Yolanda and Imani? Jeff Hays. Katia Grim? Jeff Hays. A god-fucking-damned sex doll head? Jeff Hays. The meaning of life? Jeff Hays. Everything is Jeff Hays. I just finished the Gate Of The Feral Gods, and, as far as I can tell, it's narrared exclusively by Jeff Hays. Like, what?

Am I voiced by Jeff Hays? Does the voice of God sound like Jeff Hays? What the fuck?