Jim Got Lucky. Pam Crushed Everything

Jim was always getting bailed out by others of lucking into situations while Pam kept getting the shaft.

Jim was lucky he wasn't fired and forced to pay back the company after defrauding them with Dwight for excessive commissions. Karen fell for him and he used her to get Pam jealous. He continued dating Karen while flirting with Pam. Got ultra-sensitive about the first snow and blasted Dwight in the face with a snowball. He led Karen to believe he'd move to NY for her. Wasn't man enough to turn Kathy away. Constantly harassed Dwight. Undermined Michael whenever he could. Couldn't be honest with his employees about raises. Created a fake book to humiliate Dwight on his own farm. Made the moves on an engaged woman. Gave away 10k while supporting a young family in order to feel like a big shot.

Now all the bunk Pam has had to deal with:

Gave chance after chance to her high school sweet heart despite his constant neglect. Found her way home after being left at a hockey game. Had to redo the entire mural. Forced to be a single mother while her so-called "partner" is living the bachelor life. Carried a startup company with a moron manager and a thief. Was handed the wrong baby by her stoner husband. Doofus husband also wouldn't support her with breastfeeding. Saved Michael's job constantly. Was passed over the manager job despite, again, saving Michael's job constantly. Dealt with being hit on constantly while trying to just do her job. Just wanted someone to talk to and the crew member made up some imaginary relationship. Identified weaknesses within Dunder Mifflin and created a position to solve those issues.

If anyone can get think of a time where Jim didn't luck out or Pam had it easy, before putting below, write in very thorough detail of everything that happened, and then SHOVE IT UP YOUR BUTT!