I put some a selenite crystal on the pillow next to me and I’ve been having some really cool dreams!

but this is one of them:

for background, I have reoccurring dreamscapes that sometimes have minor changes or new additions. I normally go through these areas as I’m dreaming.

Last night, I had a dream in one of my normal but slightly different worlds, and there was this young guy and his dog, super peaceful, good energy from him, and it felt like there was chemistry between us in the dream. I’m basically asexual in real life, it takes a lot for me to feel random connections so this was notable.

and then, as I went through my various dream spots and normal type dreams, him and his dog were everywhere that I went, always in passing.

but right before I woke up, I was walking up stairs that came out of one of those outside cellar steps doors…(which is weird on its own bc I’ve heard stairs can indicate going through dimensions or coming back to the waking state.)

At the top was his dog tied to the side waiting for him, and as I’m stepping out i hear him yell “Hey saturn, I’m almost back!” or something..but the dogs name was saturn..I just think that’s SO adorable lol.

He grabs his dog and meets up with his friend but we see each other again and im like “are you following me?!” in a total joking sort of way. he responded basically in the same friendly tone, saying he was thinking the same thing about me. and then came over and a bunch of people were around us with his dog.

then I woke up. typing this out now almost creeps me out that maybe someone was infiltrating my astral world but at the same time it felt very safe and I wasnt at all freaked out. I found myself being happy when I saw his dog and heard his voice

When awake, I saw and remembered that I had added rose quartz to my pillow the night before.. And before sleep, I thought about how it would be cool to dream about a future partner (I’ve heard you can do that) but also was nonchalant about it because I’ve tried it before and felt like it didn’t really work. But I’ve literally had thoughts about how I wouldn’t mind if they visited me in the astral world and that it would be cool

Some background that makes this all more synchronistic: I only had the rose quartz out because the night prior, I had a dream where I was wearing a rose quartz pendant and it really stuck out to me.

I barely own any rose quartz, But the dream was so strong that I wanted to get a piece because of it. Later, as I’m in my car, I found a chunk of it while removing items from a console that I haven’t cleaned out in probably over a year. I took that piece, cleansed it with the selenite, and then put it by my pillow next to it. It’s almost like the selenite (which I’ve been doing A LOT of cleansing with,) was telling me to get the rose quartz so the rose quartz could assist in my dream? I may be going crazy tbh.

Later, completely irrelevantly I was making a video about this crystal tarot deck my mom gave me, and the second card that came out was selenite! I wasn’t even thinking about any of this until I saw that card. It said the name is derived from selene, which means moon, and it was a full moon the same night of my dream!

I realize how ridiculous this could all sound, yet it’s so cool and I figure if anyone will understand it is people who populate these groups. Any insights, feedback, or similar experiences I would LOVE to hear! It’s easy for me to write it off as imaginary and just my mind, but it felt so real, and with all the coincidences, I’m wondering if anyone has ever had any similar experiences and what came of it