how a i supposed to play when i get gang up by 8 giant spider just after the first village ? no matter what i do i end up dead on the side of the road

same for the troll at the end of the tuto, i only succeeded in killing him by making one of my character take the focus and make him run across the room with the troll behind him for 15 min, is this how you are supposed to beat him ? or every others ennemies of this game ?

i play on normal/easy and i get beaten by every ennemy i come across and i don't enjoy it

also while i'm at it, i choose to go to the redcliff castle first, is this is the right path to play ? or does it don't matter and the "timer" of the invasion don't prevent anything in other lacation by arriving later in a sense that i get the same story no matter when i arrive (because i really don't wanna do multiple play only to found out i get "only" mild differences)?