11 days guys, SK was broken for 11 days and now they've killed the hero... again. What was broken about the hero? Dust Devil facet with aghs. What did they nerf? Everything.

His laning got slightly worst due to caustic finale damage rescaling. Sand storm damage nerfed... why? It wasn't even that high plus now (it used to be 100 at lvl 4 + 50 from talent, now it's 85 at lvl 4 + 10 from talent) SK doesn't build Kaya and Sange since they removed status resistance from it. Also Whispers of the dread got nerfed. Bloodstone and Wind Waker were also nerfed. Basically all the main items he likes building were nerfed, that should've been enough, no need to ruin other elements of the hero other than Dust Devil.

Just tested his Dust Devil facet after nerf, it's bad to say the least. AOE is too small even with Bloodstone. Farming speed got nerfed. Can't use it to escape since you only stun while you're inside of it, which you'll never will since it's slower than you and it's aoe is, again, too small. I get that this facet was op, but why did they have to nerf other unrelated things? It's like they just allow the hero to be op for 1 or 2 weeks and then want to nerf it to the ground for a couple years.

And as something extra, I still don't get why did they massacred his stats to turn him into a universal hero. I still believe that the all in tanky strength build was better, since the hero is actually quite squishy if the enemies can get on top of him. Universal damage is nice for his Stinger, but still, would prefer him as just a strength hero.

And before I forget, give us some immortal items that make his sand storm and epicentre look better; there's a lot of potential do so something nice with those skills.