So, I had a session with my party a few days ago and I still can't get this funny scene out of my head. For reference, my party has five players to which I DM for them. All of us are queer in some way or another, so I did expect my party to have empathy for a trans character I created. However, I did not expect the reaction of my party. I made a trans woman as an important wizard that the party needed to meet. Currently, the main quest for the party is to figure out how to get to the castle and save the queen of the kingdom from an assassination attempt. So, they needed to meet with this wizard to get a permit into the city where the castle is located.

I revealed that this character was trans by making a couple of hate comments written on her door. My party was still quite confused, so I made the wizard explain in an uncomfortable voice that she was not born female, obviously not wanting to talk about it too much.

What followed was a couple of seconds of quiet before my paladin player yelled "Guys, we need to go find and beat up the bigot!" Every other player started laughing and agreeing with her, going on an outrage that such a kind character could have haters simply due to her gender. As a DM, I expected them to sympathize with the character and offer their condolences and maybe even befriend the NPC, but then go on the main quest and try to save the queen.

When I reminded the party of the main quest, they still asserted that they had a week to waste and they wanted to make an example of the bigot. However, the character that is hating on the trans woman is someone I planned on going through a character arc to learn the errors of their ways. The trans character knows them and so I told the party through them that it was unneeded and she was just glad to know some people didn't hate her for the mere fact of being trans.

Now, I thought I was done being surprised with this scene, however my rogue still had an ace up her sleeve. She decided to have a candid conversation with the trans character when the rest of the party left and told her at the end "By the way, you're a beautiful woman to me." So, now I have a party that is lusting for blood of a bigot that they demand to find after the queen is saved. I will probably have to make the hater a more evil character to satisfy their rage lol