Currently, there is zero reason to play a mission with Blood Sugar: it is classified as an Anomaly and provides no hazard bonus. Yet Blood Sugar obviously adds a challenge to the mission.

Blood Sugar is very similar to Low Oxygen in design. There is an environmental effect giving DoT. The player has a counter available, but it comes with a significant tradeoff. What this looks like with Low Oxygen is you suffer DoT with a counter that there are souces of unlimited oxygen, but the tradeoff is that your movement becomes restricted. A fun challenge, rewarded by a nice bump to your hazard bonus.

Now let's compare with Blood Sugar. You suffer DoT and your counter is that the bugs drop red sugar, and our tradeoff is that we must seek combat constantly, even on low health. (I think we even get extra swarmers sent on a slow trickle to "help" with this).

A fun challenge rewarded with.... ?????

GSG I love this game. Please fix Blood Sugar!

Edit: This topic has nothing, nada, zip, to do with the Haz level you prefer to play. Blood Sugar applies to all Haz levels.

Update: Feedback heard, acknowledged, and accepted: haz level is a key variable. To summarize: due to bug spawn rates, Blood Sugar is usually* OP on high Haz levels but dangerous on low Haz levels. (This matches my personal experience by and large too).

My updated conclusion: Blood Sugar still badly needs a fix of some sort from GSG. I stand by what I wrote above, and now add this:

Every other warning/anomaly is balanced across hazard levels.** Why is Blood Sugar different?

Mileage may vary by mission type. *Ebonite is balanced across hazard levels