Dearborn: For those of us in or interested in Dearborn, MI

r/Dearborn967 subscribers2 active
Sub Activity!

Hey everyone! It looks like I keep missing posts by a little while on this sub. Just want to get a kinda feed as to the viewership, please comment or something when you see this post and say hello or anything you'd like.

Also, if you have ideas on how I can get alerts whenever there is a post or something on the subreddit, that would be awesome too. Thanks so much!

Pinnedby P0eticJusticeModeratorModerator
Advertising of Businesses

Hey everyone, I got some requests about advertising businesses an such. Since we don't get a huge amount of posts, it's ok to make a post every now and then to advertise a business.

When you post something specifically advertising, please tag the post with [Advertisement] or something of the sort, otherwise it could be remover without notice.

PLEASE DO NOT SPAM POSTS (this will be defined by myself for the time being).

If you have any questions please comment below!

Pinnedby P0eticJusticeModeratorModerator
What you wish you would have known when moving to Dearborn

My wife and I are planning to move there so I'm curious to know if there is anything you wish you would have known when moving there.

Any pro tips from long-time locals are welcome as well!

Restaurant Recommendations Please

Hello, I need recommendations for a good Sunday lunch/brunch spot to take an out of town guest. Thank you.

Trip to Dearborn

I’m planning a 1 day trip to Dearborn to try all of the good Middle Eastern food and see the huge Lebanese community there. Any recommendations for good restaurants (breakfast, dinner, dessert)? Grocery stores and bakeries to grab some goodies back home with me? Thanks!

ISO Affordable Housing

Hi! I'm disabled which causes me to have an extremely low income. I'm curious to know if anyone would have an ideas or information that could help me to find any type of living space that I could afford. I am not able to participate in the housing assistance program because I am a medical marijuana patient. If anyone could point me in a good direction to find a place or any resources I would be very grateful!

Local can/bottle drive?

Hey, my husband and I have a ton of bags of aluminum cans that we just got too far behind on returning. And we’re trying to move soon. Any local places to donate?

Just curious

Hey I'm looking to get married is there anyone who could help me with that in the islamic community??

Kidney donor needed

Hey! I’m looking for a kidney donor who is in Michigan, hopefully Dearborn. My uncle has been going through a really tough time and is need of one. He’s O+. My uncle is a good man who puts family above all else. Even when he’s struggling to make ends meet and taking care of his 4 children, he finds time to invite us over for dinner or buy us our favorite candy and chips. Lately it’s been tough because he puts on a huge act for his children. He still plays with them and although he taps out quicker than he used to, he makes sure to keep that smile on their face.

House or apartment for rent ?

In town for work anything out for rent ? Month to month preferably but will be here for 7+ months

Food recommendations

Hi! Is there a place in Dearborn I can get kemar wa kahi (كيمر و كاهي( for breakfast? I’ll be there in June, any restaurant recommendations are appreciated!

Nicest areas in/around Dearborn?

What are the nicest areas/neighborhoods/towns in and around Dearborn?

Fallout Shelter at HFC

If anyone here attends or has attended Henry Ford College, have you noticed the fallout shelter signs in the basement of the K Building? I’m assuming it’s not just decorative considering that HFC has been around since 1938. I tried researching it and came up with the nothing. Does anyone have any information? Even historical facts would be interesting.

Post on Facebook derails Dearborn's quiet plans for exterminator to trap, kill coyotes

Dearborn Government for the People or Secret Animal Killers? The Detroit Free Press released an article this morning regarding Dearborn's Mayor and Police Chief planning a secret coyote kill at Brady & Cherry Hill for 8 days this month. You can thank "the whistleblower" for stopping it, who is obviously not mentioned in the article. None of this would have happened without that tip. If you have a tip and would like to remain anonymous, please contact me directly. We need to wake up and question our leaders, especially to protect those that can't speak.... the earth, animals, trees, water.... join me in saving our City that is full of natural beauty!

Dearborn, MI

I was thinking about moving to Dearborn. How are the Islamic schools there for a first grader and where would be a good place to live. What are your pros and cons living in Dearborn. Thank you 🙂

Libon Sweets Supremacy

This is a PSA for anyone visiting Dearborn or who wants to eat kunafeh in Dearborn:

The best kunafeh is not at Shatila. The best kunafeh is not at New Yasmeen Bakery. The best kunafeh is at Libon Sweets. Don't believe me? Try all three and see for yourself.

P.S: If you don't know what kunafeh is, you're missing out. Think warm Middle Eastern cheesecake.

Does anyone have new neighbors moving in just to cut out every mature tree on the property? What gives?

I live on a street in West Dearborn with beautiful mature trees. Great for walking, keeps the sidewalk and area cool. Lately as the older residents pass away and the houses go up for sale, the new residents are cutting down all these trees! It's honestly getting sort of out of control. I'm all for people doing what they want with their own yard, but short of a tree ruining the sewer line or something what gives? I tried to talk to one guy who moved in, but apparently no one lives there as the house is empty 100% of the time. Am I missing something?

Death to America chanters

Just wondering if any of those clowns hang out here? Aside from them, are the rest of you ok with these people being among you?

I personally haven't located a country which I call for the death of but can also find so desirable that I live there. I suggest you all gather together somewhere like an island. Then scream that shit a little louder to make sure it's clear what you want. Then, by all means, give it a shot. See just how passionate you are when you've gotta walk the walk.

Police ID biker who taunted cops during chase into Oakland County before running out of gas

Dearborn resident busted doing 100+ on his motorcycle flipping off cops. Ran out of gas.

Restaurant for 15-20 person party?

Graduating at 32 years old with my bachelors. Good, but expected to foot the bill of any party I throw lol. Trying to book a good restaurant for brunch or lunch after graduation at the end of this month. Any ideas would be appreciated, halal preferred but open to restaurants with pizza / veggie options too .. just trying to find a place where everyone can pay for themselves and we can block off/reserve a section for all of us for 500 or less ( food not included )

does dearborn like black people? i looking for somewhere to move thats safe but isnt almost completely white no offense, seriously

is dearborn safe for black people. i see its got a huge arab population but for all i know they could dislike black people too.

im a but sheltered, i was raised in okemos michigan and it ruined my life i fear and honestly am not comfortable around white people because of 15 years being raised around ignorant racist just notnice white people. i live in lansing mi now which for me seems to be decently diverse. im looking to buy a house. my family is black we have 2 small autistic children and my adopted nephew is 4. i dont want them to feel gow i felt growing up, i dont want them to feel uncomfortable in their own skin or have to deal with sly comments about their hair or justt ignorant comments. especially my two autostic children...i dont want us to get weird or mean looks because they kind of bounce back and forth i dont want them being made fun of or avoided because they are black and autistic.

im scared of people and i dont even loke leaving the house so i jusy want to be able to go to the market and feel comfortable, i dont want to be driving and feel like im going to get harassed or shot or my husband is because we are black. i just want to feel normal and safe with people worried about more important things than my looks or race. i dont want to get followed if i go into a store or my son does as he grows up. i dont like big cities but i ws looking in detroit because ive read its on the come up but its so big and it still just looks so dirty and the houses are half burnt up i just want a normal looking neighborhood and i know "normal" is su jective but hopefully you guys get my drift.

all the surrounding cities with like 40 mins or detroit are literally like 70-90% white. i want to live in a place where i see different types of people with a diverse mind set. i dont have experience really with arabs and im not religious. my family and i have a mindset of you have the right to do you and be you and think how you want just please be kind to others. my issue with wbite people is purely a result of years of basically abuse (non physical) from my interactions with white people. im very kind to everyone i have white people in my life both of my brothers married white women but i cant help but feel hinestly scared and uncomfortable which im working on but for now i just want to know that wherever we settle we are safe and feel comfortable. so with that being said is dearborn ok for black people in 2024?

i read its changed a lot for the better but loke 49% of arrest and tickets and stuff are still like for black people which is scary because the main population is arab right? is there a problem with arab people disapproving of black people or following them around the store or just kind of making mean comments and thongs loke that? my family honestly is very good with the idea of not taking thongs personally but i really struggle there and mean looks or bad vibes whe i enter the store or like ignoring my existence when we are the only to ppl on the sidewalk and i give as smile as im passing really really hurts my heart it stays with me for days and i dont really feel that here in lansing. here its just lime people of all races jusy making it through life nothing fancy not too bad vibes just peopple coexisting...

any thoughts or opinions? and i. sorry for my hurtful comments i truly understand that not all white people are mean or unkind etc and i know its not really fair of me to try and avoid being around areas with huge white populations, it cant feel good to read that and it can easily make people defensive ut im asking from a sincere place. im exhausted from house hunting and i dont know any of these places i really just know lansing and okemos and its made me very scared and u comfortable around most people it goes even beyond white people really but i struggle the most with that race because of where i was raised and had to go to school....

any thoughts or insights into dearborn or even other places that have just like decently kind open minded people would be great. thank you for your time and thoughts!

City Council Meeting April 4th at 7:00

CALL TO ACTION:   Thursday, April 4th 7:00 pm.

Huh?  Secret Coyote Removal Contract 
What?  No, it’s not on the agenda. 
Why?  Because it’s a SECRET 
Dearborn Committee of the Whole Meeting
Dearborn Administrative Center, 16901 Michigan Ave. (just East of Southfield)
The City had plans to “remove” coyotes in West Dearborn; an unsigned contract was ready, and a date was set… until we found out.  Cloaked in secrecy and employee intimidation, this plan was arranged without the public’s knowledge or input.  
Please come to this meeting and demand better.  The ONLY reason the subject is being discussed now is because the public found out.   It’s not even on the agenda!! 
On a positive note, I am happy that the Mayor didn’t go through with his plan to release cats from the Shelter into the neighborhood’s to reduce the rat population.  Now the sewers have poison in them.  
