I must be missing something here… This may be an unpopular opinion post, but I am not paying 25 dollars for an “artisan” pizza. This leaves me your typical pizza chains like papa johns… and Zalat? Looks and tastes like cardboard to me.

I don’t think im picky, but I just cant find that staple pizza place for me that runs around 15 bucks for a nice pie.

Edit: Thank you all for the suggestions, I will be reading through them. I like Marcos, I did not know they had chains down here. I will need to try Cane rosso as well. You guys gave me a lot of good local spots to try out. I will be looking at the slice app and trying as many as I can!

One quick comment, those suggesting costco/ gas station pies…. Cmonn now!!!!! I get we all have our own tastes, but those aint it for me.