My name’s Henry. Our host is also named Henry, but we call him Ban to fix the confusion.

I’m so proud of Ban - I watched as he struggled and procrastinated through all his work, guessed almost everything and slept through all his classes, but now? He’s so much better, and I’m so proud,, i almost feel like a dad ? He had an interview today actually, and I think he nailed it. He got them to laugh, spoke honestly - he even brought up the job he wants to pursue. He’s applying to a new school by the way,,

I’m just so happy ? He went from this isolated, lonely, kid who barely got anything done to an almost straight A student doing interviews.. he’s also doing choir again, Isn’t that awesome? I remember when he first took it, god I hated it, and I still do - but now he’s with friends. His best friend, and another friend that he met last year, it’s great to see him so happy compared to how he used to be.

Sorry, this is real sappy,,,, I just get emotional, haha. (🪓 )