I've been waiting for this one!

I saw the spoilers and I couldn't wait to get ahold of these! I should've gotten two apple pies in hindsight, but oh well.

Confetti cake batter (9/10) - Classic, delicious. I love the cake batter flavoring. Not too sweet in my opinion even though others say so. Usually I hate cream cheese frosting, but this isn't too offensive at all.

Smores (7/10) - Very good, very chocolate/grahm forward. Wish the marshmallow was more in the center but that's a store issue.

Strawberry shortcake (10/10) - Amazing, delicious. Very light, fluffy. Someone said it was too tart but I thought it was the perfect amount of sweetness. Yes it's basic. Sometimes basic does the trick, especially since it's so light.

Cornbread (6/10) - Never got this flavor before, even though in this sub it's well loved. First time trying this. So.. it's not bad. I definitely see what people are talking about. It's a good cookie. I wouldn't go out of my way to get those one, or get multiple to freeze because it's so good, but still. Decent.

Apple pie (10/10) - Now this is something I'd get multiple of. So, so good. Idc idc. Love the apple pie topping. Love the crust bottom that mimics a pie. Not much flavor but them together is pretty damn amazing.

Go get them!