r/cooking circlejerk

r/CookingCircleJerk29.8K subscribers6 active
What are some foods you prefer WITH the peel?

Mine is either macaroni and cheese or oatmeal. I just never understood why so many people peel their food, but I guess people like the taste better? What are your thoughts?

by buttsarehilariousyour wife's boyfriend's girlfriend
Thoughts about toast as I get older

When I was young and hungry I loved heavy toasts with thick crusts and all kinds of avocado and plenty of flaky salt. Now that I've lived a long, fulfilling life and I'm nearing its end I prefer simpler toast with just toast and butter. I'm not a debt-ridden Millennial and I still enjoy eating avocado, but now that I'm nearing the end I enjoy my toast rather than just stuffing it into my face, I'm beginning to really appreciate the smooth, rich creaminess of Kerrygold™️ and the different aromas and flavors of the toasted bread. I was wondering, does anybody else eat less and enjoy it more now that you're old as fuck and can't digest good food anymore?

How can I make a giant pancake?
How can I make a giant pancake?

So this might sound dumb but a friend and I had this idea where we want to make just 1 REALLY BIG pancake (maybe around the size of a pizza) but we have no idea how to pull this off. Anyone have suggestions?

Making food tastier with one simple trick!!

Guys I recently found out about a crazy hack to make food more tasty. Heavy cream instead of milk - who could've thought that using an ingredient with over 10x the fat would improve the taste and richness of my dishes?

Since this revelation I have stopped using milk altogether and use heavy cream exclusively. Mac and Cheese? Heavy cream. Cereal? Heavy cream. Coffee? Heavy cream. Glass of milk? Glass of heavy cream.

How to un-squish a brisket??

So I smoked an A5 wagyu brisket low n slow (175 for 48 hours) and then but on some black latex gloves and made a video squishing all the juice out because I love how triggered all the libs over on r/smoking get by squish videos.

But now I think my brisket is ruined?? Is there a way to get all the greasy juice back in?

by Emergency-Plum-1981I cook by taste alone (no measurements)
What is the perfect point for baked meat?

For me it has to be well sewn and goes with baked potatoes too but my partner says it has to be juicy, I don't know what to do

What should we have for dinner?Not This Crap Again

I’ll eat anything, you pick something.

by RedditMcCoolboisterous american taste buds
What do you add to improve a peanut butter sandwich?Perfect exactly as it was on r/cooking

What sorts of toppings, sauces, or other things do you add to make a peanut butter sandwich less boring

Germany please stop doing carbonara wrong.So much better than restaurants
Germany please stop doing carbonara wrong.Question

I have been living in Germany for some time now and yet have not found one restaurant that uses Guanciale for the Carbonara.

Majority of them use speck or maximum maybe pancetta. And many instead of eggs use milk cream (similar to panna). I'm pissed that a lot are Italian family run 😟.

Why do you think it happens? How is the situation in other countries?

Edit: So many unhappy Germans down voting this post 😄. If you want to continue eating the wrong carbonara please do so.

OMG I have an extra clove of garlic. What do I do?

After cooking for 5 years I realized in the back of my fridge drawer I still have a clove of garlic. What can I do with this excessive blessed bounty? I put a sliver into my mayonnaise on my sandwich last week but i had to throw it out because it became too spicy. How do I preserve this thing or use it in such a way that won't be too overpowering in a dish for my family of 8?

Holy grail ingredient: beef milkUnrecognized Culinary Genius

I think I’ve discovered my new favorite niche ingredient: beef milk. It’s like goat/oat milk but from an animal called a “cow.” Since I’ve started using it, I’ve invented a ton of new recipes: beef milk bread, beef milk ice cream, beef milk steak, the list goes on. I haven’t read about beef milk anywhere so I may be the first person to use it for culinary purposes.

I think beef milk will be to 2024 what bacon was to 2011 and what sun dried tomatoes were to 1995. Check your local luxury foods store or ethnic market to see if they carry it and thank me later.

by buttsarehilariousyour wife's boyfriend's girlfriend
Susbstitute for love?Measured with the Heart

Help! I have guests coming over in 33 seconds and I went to start my nonna’s nine hour braggadocio with marinara sauce recipe, but realized I’m all out of love.

I’m so lost without it!

All I seem to have in my cabinet are festering resentment and a CostCo bulk size sense of inadequacy.

What can I use instead? I’ve heard of “making love”, is that something I can do in 33 - no, wait, 21 seconds?

by RedditMcCoolboisterous american taste buds
Tips for cooking with stainless steel

Are you intimidated by stainless steel cookware? Do you think it's silly to cook on a surface that is literally designed to make things stick to it? You're an idiot! But if you want to stop being an idiot, here are is a step-by-step process that will have you cooking, well, not in no time, but in more time than usual at a lot more risk! The tradeoff is that you can be a dick on the internet to people who don't do it!

1) Call the fire department ahead of time (you'll see).

2) Disassemble your biggest burner so that any flame-inhibiting devices are removed. They get in the way of flavor! If you live in some socialist hellscape with regulations that prevent you from getting your flame as hot as a giant plasma torch, just do your best.

3) Put your stainless pan on the flame. Leave it there overnight.

4) You can tell you pan is hot enough when you place a drop of water on it and the hydrogen spontaneously separates from the oxygen and then the atoms degrade and then your house explodes. This is called the Pontiac-Chrysler-Jeep reaction! Thanks to the unparalleled durability of stainless steel, your pan should be perfectly safe!

5) Once the fire department is done (you called them ahead of time, right??), it's time to add oil to your pan. It will smoke immediately, because holy fuck that's hot, but it's okay because the smoke detector got blown to smithereens in step 4.

6) Time to add the food! It will somehow still get stuck and burn on the outside while being raw on the inside! But it's fine, because you have proven you are better than the fucking savages who use nonstick! Enjoy!

What will you never buy again now that you can make it? Perfect exactly as it was on r/cooking

For me, it's peanut sauce. Like spicy satay sauce. My base recipe is from the rebar cookbook but I'm pretty experimental with it now. Even my Dutch MIL (there is heavy Indonesian culinary influence there) approves. What do you make better than store bought? (And where's your recipe?)

Also here's mine: https://gourmeh.wordpress.com/2012/02/26/peanut-sauce-with-ginger-lime-and-cilantro/

by Sad_End_7838Serving cunt is a MOCKERY of fine dining!
What style of cooking this is? Game Changer

There has been an uptick of chefs that combine and heat different ingredients (ie fresh veggies with meat and spices) and the food is very tasty and nutritious. Think “chef” style cooking. What are a couple of words to describe this style of cooking…?

by whosat___i love crack
i bathe in pasta water but the saltiness hurts my eyes

can you rub my back? i can't see shit

I had a dream last night that somebody went in my cabinet and emptied out my container of MSG onto the floorMonosodium Glutamate

I was honestly so relieved when I woke up and went into the kitchen and my MSG was still safe

How do I cook cow meat

I'm pretty sure it's cow. I bought it at a food place. I tried intergoogle, but everybody say something different! Sear, reverse sear, Sioux Vidalia, barbecue, cast iron. Idkwtf.

It's on like a Styrofoam tray, wrapped in plastic with label with words or letters on it.

So, how cook cow?

by Grillardi thought this sub was supposed to be funny