What do you cook when the entire process of prepping food, cooking it, and then cleaning up feels like Too Much?

I have ADHD and really struggle with cooking on a regular basis. Most of my executive function is eaten up by the work day, and by 5pm I’m usually burnt out on the idea of anything involving actual effort. Compound that with sensory issues that make most leftovers a no-go and it means I eat a lot of takeout. Some days are great, and I manage to get really into the swing of it and make an awesome meal. But those are rare compared to the “sticking a pizza pocket in the microwave and not washing the plate is the most I can manage” days.

That second type of day is unsalvageable because of the aforementioned issues with leftovers. But for the in between days, I need some normal people’s “off day” meals. Ideally healthy to offset the takeout days. I have a bunch of sensory issues with foods but need ideas more than specific recipes, so I’ll sub out anything I can’t tolerate.