😭 I’ve tried it all you guys. I’ve tried half flour half corn starch, I’ve done 100% potato starch, adding eggs to the buttermilk batter, heating the oil to 350 - 375 (approx 175-190 Celsius) - and the breading always comes out a liiiittle bit crispy but the inside is no good and completely seperate a from the chicken.

If this subreddit allowed photos I would show you what I mean, a piece of chicken thigh just slipped out of the breading which is still in the same shape as the chicken that was inside it.

Now, when I make karaage chicken - it always comes out beautifully crispy, crunchy, and perfect. If I’m making Katsu chicken - again, soo crunchy and I use Panko breadcrumbs and a thin runny batter and it is like glass, just so crunchy and perfect. But any time I’m making a chicken burger (or sandwich depending on where you’re from), it has never been as perfect as the karaage chicken. Just a soggy, sometimes oily, gooey mess.

The primary differences is that for karaage chicken I marinate my thigh meat in mirin, sake, soy sauce, ginger, white pepper. I’ve read that if the chicken is too wet the coating will not stick, but obviously buttermilk fried chicken has to be wet before you place it into your breading mixture, so that doesn’t make sense. The meat is cooked (not raw) but the breading has never worked from me. Drizzling buttermilk over the flour makes it even worse!! Is it because I need to have a really big frying vessel? I use a medium size pot and do a few pieces at a time. 😭

Buttermilk Fried chicken hates me 😭 what tips and tricks do you guys have? TIA 🤍🤍