'Ive been going to this Kroger for over a decade. When I went to exit after scanning and packing my groceries myself last week, a guard at the door asked if he could see my receipt when I went to exit. I told him no thanks and he followed me out. He once again asked to see my receipt and I politely declined and he got irate. I asked him he was requesting me to do so or ordering me to. He said, "Can I see your receipt?" and I declined for a 3rd time and asked him if he was accusing me of a crime, he was free to follow me to my car and get my plate and inform law enforcement. I stopped listening to him after this and went on my way.

Is this even legal? This is not a private membership business like Costco. I do not participate in silly little games like this. I am not a criminal and I will not be treated like one. If there was an employee ringing up and or bagging my groceries, there would be no confusion over the items in my bags. I will no longer be visiting this kroger, a place that I go to over 60 times every year spending thousands of dollars. Does anyone know if there is a good way to let Kroger know about my dismay? Does anyone know if the South High Kroger and Kroger @ 5th also require receipt checking on exit?