
I am a 24 YO male. At 22 I had a spontaneous pneumothorax. Had chest tube and VATS surgery. Stayed in the hospital around five days then went home. A year later at 23 I had similar symptoms, difficulty breathing, chest pain and coughing, and went back to the ER. No new pneumothorax but it turns out I had pneumonia. Received breathing treatment, albuterol inhaler and antibiotics. Got better after about a week.

Now two weeks ago I went on a three hour flight. The next night, I started getting chest pain. I wrote it off as nothing, but then the next day had difficulty breathing. Throughout the week I had chest pain, difficulty breathing and was light headed, almost fainty at times. Finally since I wasn't getting better, I went into urgent care, fearing a new pneumothorax. However, chest xray showed nothing, oxygen sat was normal, ekg was normal and blood tests were normal. Doctor brought up possibility of PE but said she thought it was unlikely. I opted to just go home and wait to see if my symptoms got better. Two days later... I still have chest pain, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath walking, and pain in my jaw and arm. Also feel lightheaded, spaced out, and fainty. Don't want to go to the hospital but reading about PE symptoms sounds like my symptoms line up. Right now I am taking my old albuterol inhaler to help my breathing and taking inuprofen to deal with chest pain and maybe thing my blood. any thoughts? Am I totally screwed?

I really don't want to deal with going back to the ER and having to take blood thinners the rest of my life. Thanks for any advice.