Could be purely coincidental, but shot in the dark here:

I started experiencing occasional migraine aura (mercifully without headache) after I had my first and only child in early 2016. Disrupts my vision for about 30 minutes, then goes away. Couple of times a month, max. Ruled out any eye disease with specialist. Because I don't get the headache (my heart goes out to those who do), it's just kind of been more minor inconvenience than cause for concern.

Bringing it up now bc I was diagnosed with PE late March. I did 3 months Xarelto, and I started the month off for testing a few days ago. I don't really recall whether I got the aura while I was taking the Xarelto, but I have had one every single day since I stopped. Have even had it more than once in a single day.

I'm going to bring it up to the hematologist at my follow up, but I'm not expecting much of a response. Mostly just bringing it up here bc I'm curious whether any of you clot survivors also experience(d) aura with or without headache. I can't say for certain, but it seems likely my PE came from birth control (yaz, gianvi), which I would have resumed taking post-baby around the time the auras started all those years ago.

I'm rambling. Anyway...auras, anyone?