Slightly clickbait title but I (Pagan) got into a debate with a christian earlier about nudity, specifically over a photo that he was arguing was pornographic simply by containing nudity. the photo was a picture of two anime girls standing in nondescript poses fully clothed but with their breasts out. i argued that since the photo would not be considered pornographic in any other context besides the breasts being out that it’s silly to call it pornographic

several interesting questions i had came from this to which i did not receive any satisfying answer or really any real answer at all so im curious what the christian perspective here is

  1. if nudity is inherently pornographic, was he abusing his child every time he changed his diaper or dressed him?
  2. if breasts are only sexual organs meant to inspire arousal, is breastfeeding a child attempting to arouse that child?
  3. the one i’m most interested in: given that Adam and Eve were forced to cover up in shame after betraying god by intaking the knowledge of the tree, could an argument be made that nudity is a sort of spiritual symbolic shedding of the state of original sin? and if not then wouldn’t the non starter stance against nudity be counterproductive towards living for gods kingdom? or is there specific scripture regarding this that i’m unfamiliar with?