In the West we are often socially pressured to pick a side in the latest political crisis of the day. Some are quite objectively easy to decide - any half-decent person would support Ukraine - but others, such as Israel/Palestine, are murky and have no clear "good guy", with pain and suffering on both sides of a seemingly unresolvable, decades-long conflict. On both sides, even amongst Christians, I can see pure hatred towards the other side diluting our compassion for each other.

For the health of my soul and my conscience, I have decided to leave the politics to others on this one. I'm going to focus my empathy and actions in a direction worthy of Christ - towards the suffering, vulnerable people whose lives are being destroyed by war and fighting. I'm rendering to God what is God's - pure compassion for others.

Doing this has instantly made me feel better. It's removed my ego from the quagmire of "who is right?" and has focused my worries on what's really important. Would Jesus pick a political side, or would he drop everything he was doing to help the people who are victims of missiles and bullets from both sides?

Just some food for thought. Christians should bleed empathy.