I've been browsing here for a bit and noticed that everyone - obviously - loves talking about/recommending their favorite cheeses but that got me thinking. Does anyone have a cheese they would Not Recommend? A cheese you hate? A cheese you consider your enemy?

I'm not talking about a general distaste for blue cheese or thinking American cheese isn't "real cheese". I'm talking about a cheese that's disappointed you to the point of sadness, a cheese that you hate despite liking every other cheese of that style you've tried, or a cheese you think is just overhyped for some reason.

I know this is probably a silly question, but I'm curious lol

Mine is Kunik

First time I tasted it, I thought I had eaten battery acid. The acidic bitterness was so awful, even without the rind, that I immediately had to spit it out. And no, it's not because I dislike goat cheese; I actually love it! It's my second favorite cheese style, with my first being triple creme. The cheese wasn't bad either. I had just received my shipment and opened the cheese that day . . . Just something about this cheese made me want to die, so, into the Enemy category it went