Manhwa, in recent years, has gained tons of popularity. When I first heard about the medium, I was really excited. I felt like I discovered something new, interesting, and exciting. I ended up reading some of Tower of God and God of Highschool. Not all that well-written, in my opinion, but super fun series overall with original premises that grabbed my attention and kept me reading. But now that I have grown accustomed to the medium, all I really feel is contempt towards it for a myriad of reasons.

First is my most subjective point but also the one that hurts me the most, which is a general lack of creativity and passion. It feels like almost all manhwa are carbon copies of themselves with little to no originality put into them. I have been reading manga for years and I still discover crazy new premises that are unique and fascinating, or I can at least find a “unique” aspect to a story. Whenever I seek out Manhwa to read, all I find is shitty copy and paste cultivation/dungeon/isekai stories where the main character is deemed the weakest in chapter one and then the strongest in chapter two; the side characters then proceed to have a competition to see who can suck the main character's dick the hardest.

The second reason has to do with the supporting characters; no character aside from the protagonist is allowed to win or shine whatsoever. I feel like the authors would rather get dicked down by the protagonist themselves than give any development to any other character aside from the protagonist. (If they even have development in the first place.)

My third point, built off of the second, is the complete inability to write character arcs, development, or use any symbolism whatsoever. I can’t help but feel like these authors have only consumed shitty bargain bin isekai for the majority of their life.

Those are the main points of my opinion but I have a list of other things I find really shitty.

-all protagonists being stoic badasses with no emotion

-female characters being written like props

-power systems and magic being essentially all the same or never expanded upon

-literally no diverse character interaction.

-protagonists never being able to lose a fight or conflict

-protagonists being borderline sociopathic

-lack of focus on internal struggle/conflict

-little to no introspection whatsoever

-copy and paste art

-copy and paste character designs

If you have any recommendations for Manhwa that aren’t like these please let me know.