for the cello minded.

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Advice for renting vs buying cello

Hi there! I am a woodwinds gal, practically zero familiarity with strings instruments. My son is 11 and did strings in 5th grade (cello) and wants to continue doing it throughout middle school. At the beginning of his 5th grade year he was sized for a 1/2 cello. He is currently (now going into 6th grade) about 5'1"-5'2" tall. I have been renting his cello all of his 5th grade year, the payments are roughly $47 a month and are KILLING me financially as I am a single mom of 4 working full time in construction. I am wondering if it would be in my best interest, financially, to purchase one instead? I believe, however, the rental includes having it resized as time goes on and he grows. Having dad help with this is not in the equation, unfortunately. If I do purchase one, can they be resized as he grows? Or would I need to buy him a new one each time? I do feel like him being in orchestra will be a long term thing (I am musically inclined and very encouraging/proud of this, so I want him to keep this up!) so I want this to be as financially easy as possible for me 😆 I really appreciate any insight and apologize if I sound completely ignorant with knowledge/terminology with this. Hopefully it makes sense what I'm trying to ask though! Thank you all so much! ☺️

Experience with playing cello with a physical disability?

When I was a child/teenager I played cello for about 6 years, however, due to more and more pain in my back I stopped. I started and stopped several times after that, all due to pain in my back. Recently I have been diagnosed with several (rather small) deformations in my spine which mostly do not bother me in real life, but make playing cello agony (probably due to the straight posture you have to keep and the way you hold your arms compared to your back). I'd love to start playing cello again, however I'm certain I'll get pain in my back again. Does someone know where I can go to get help for this? I'm already with a physiotherapist, but in my experience they don't know anything about playing the cello, and a cello teacher doesn't know anything about anatomy and scoliosis. Does anyone have experience with playing the cello with injuries/physical disabilities and where to look for help with it? I'd very much appreciate it

Kol Nidrei fingerings (please!!)

Would anyone be willing to send their fingerings for this piece my way? I won’t be seeing my teacher for a few months and I’d like to see what other cellists thought was best

Lf: Cello Strings in Bremen

Hello! I'm currently in Bremen, Germany. Where can I buy cello strings here? Specifically Pirastro. Thanks!

Can you play a 3/4 cello in a community orchestra?
Can you play a 3/4 cello in a community orchestra?

Hi everyone,

I'm a beginner adult cellist, and I'm currently learning on a 3/4 cello as I have a very small finger span.

I know it's a while away, but one of my goals is to one day join a community orchestra. I'm wondering whether this is possible if you play a 3/4 cello? Or, is it only really acceptable for orchestra members to play a 7/8 or 4/4 cello?

Thanks very much for your advice.

Cello strings with double bass sound

I currently use the Thomastik S32 and S33 string for G and C string, and I feel it has a very focused and very metallic sound.

Are there any cello strings that is just as loud as the Thomastik, but not as metallic, with a more deep, warm sound like a double bass that vibrates the entire room. (only G and C string)

The double bass sounds so much deeper than cello even on the same notes, I know part of it is just because of the size of the instrument, but I think strings also matters a lot.

what cello strings should i get?

My cello uses all rondo strings and I probably have about 1-3 hours on them per day for the past 7 months. Today especially my cello seems to not project and the response just seems poor so probably time to change strings? I think all 4 rondo strings seem to have a very mellow tone but I’m looking to explore some other options. How would you characterize different strings and which ones do you recommend based on your experience? It would be nice to have more responsive lower strings

Looking for people to jam with and improvise in the maryland area

My name is Katherine, I live in Maryland. I am going to major in cello performance this coming year at UMD. I am looking for musicians to jam with around the maryland area. I want to try new styles and genres of music 🎶

Cello book or plan that combines classical pieces and pop music?

Hi all

I have read most of the already existing posts on this topic. But I couldnt quite find something that suits me. So perhaps you may have some other suggestions.

My situation: I started learning the Cello 8 years ago. Fell in love with it immediately, but only had about a year's worth of lessons as I was moving around a lot. Haven't touched one since. Since then, my Tinnitus has worsened and I live in a dense apartment complex - so I got an electric cello to get me started again.

Unfortunately, it can be hard for me to stay motivated (ADHD, yay) so I need a book or practice plan that keeps me engaged. A mix of classical pieces and modern pop music, jigs, pop songs etc. would be perfect. My level is still very beginner-ish - back then we were just getting started on the 4th position.

(I will try to take lessons again, but in the short term it may not be entirely possible, at least in person)

Any suggestions?
My cello is gonna arrive next week and I am super excited!

Bridge height and string gap problems.

My cello strings are rather high for playing in thumb position and I am looking into how high a new bridge needs to be for the string height to be right, the current height at the end of the finger board is around 3/4ths of an inch, way too high to be comfortable, my instructor let me play his cello today and it was much more comfortable with a height between the string and the end of the finger board of 3/8ths of an inch. It's half my current string height but when I create a ratio to try and figure out the new bridge height I get something like 1.75 inches which is way too short. Is there something I'm doing wrong, is there any hope for this pipe dream of a want any info is helpful

Playing near the Bridge


I am playing the Sonata e moll movement allegro from Vivaldi and my cello teacher advised to play closer to the bridge.

The notes sound scratchy especially during string crossing and I can’t play as fast as when I would play in the middle of the strings.

Am I applying too much or to less weight? Advice would be appreciated

Kind regards

Please repost!

Hey, everybody!

My name is Konstantin. I am a cellist from Ukraine. I dream to buy myself a high-level instrument.

Having studied the market of cellos, I learnt that the cost of a cello of high level in modern masters reaches 50k. I was shocked! I can't earn that kind of money (I work in a Ukrainian orchestra). But to qualify for a better-paid job, you also need a very good instrument. It's a vicious circle. So I decided to organise a fundraiser. I thought that if 5000 people donate, just a little, 10 dollars or euros, the amount will be collected. Such a fundraiser is the only way for me to fulfil my dream.

The most important thing in fundraising is to spread the word about it.

So I ask you to SHARE the link to it in your social networks

Does you Cello have a name?

Mine is named Sophia. That's because she (the cello) reminds me of the daughter of some friends of my parents. Sophia (both my Cello and the girl) can be VERY stubborn and if you treat it with force she will block and not do anything anymore. But if you treat her with love and care you can get the most amazing things out of her and she shows so incredibly much potential and lovelyness.

I think everyone should give his/her cello a name.

Edit: Thanks for everyone's stories! I absolutely love the names. I was worried that i'm the only one that names his cello haha

Fingering Idea

What the title says, I need to figure out how to play this (first 3 bars. Last is just first and fourth fingers respectively). Experimented for quite a bit longer than I'd like to admit and nothing feels natural. I know that the G# must be 3rd finger on the D string (relative to previous notes) though I have no idea how to move from there.


Should I sell my cello?

I am an undergrad student majoring in performance and I’ve been wanting to buy a new cello for some time. My first cello was given to me by one of my teachers, it’s a very nice cello and I’ve gotten a lot of work done on it in the last year or so, but I am just looking for something new. Would It be wise to sell my cello and rent until I find what I want?

Small 7/8 cellos?

Hi everyone,

I'm an adult beginner cellist, and I'm absolutely loving it!

I've started out by renting a 3/4 cello as I have a very small finger span, but am ready to purchase one of my own.

This may seem a very strange question (and please excuse my ignorance) but does anyone know of any 7/8 cellos that are on the smaller side (i.e., have shorter string lengths than some other 7/8 cellos)? I know that the there is some variety in dimensions within the full range of 4/4 cellos, and am curious to know whether this is also the case with 7/8 cellos?

The reason I ask is that the 3/4 suits my hand size much better, but I love the fuller sound of the 7/8 cello and am also nervous about being limited in terms of development or opportunities down the track.

Thanks so much for your help!

Played as a kid, looking to pick it back up.

I played cello back in the late 90s, before I became disabled. Essentially during the time I was getting shuttled to doctor appointments, I'd left my cello st school. (Another kid broke the bridge.)

It was stolen we were told, and at the time I was so physically ill my family just let it go.

Anyway, I spent years yearning for another cello. And, in therapy I had it suggested that I pick it up again as a way of taking back my health. I need to be doing something that makes me feel powerful in my body, essentially.

So I'm here to ask, what are the current resources kids are using today? I'm sure a lots changed in like 24 years as far as how people are taught.

I still gotta get a new instrument, but I wanted to find out what is recommended as far as learning etc to reaquaint myself first.


Help with motivation

I"m 30 years old and played the euphonium from 7th grade till graduation. I love playing music and performing. Due to personal life stuff I wasn't able to pursue music after graduating. Fast forward 7 years and I got myself a cello.

I started practicing and even took lessons. Not sure how long I was taking lessons, but ended lessons partway through book 3 of the Suzuki books before having to move. But by this point I was getting burnt out just playing and practicing by myself. After a long break, I got a new teacher and did the same thing with hopes of trying to keep it up. Same result.

I want to play music, but can't find anything for adult beginners to play together with. Had found a non profit this last week, but unfortunately there were closing shop in that same week.

Any suggestions for keeping motivation/finding people to play with?

TL;DR: Reach burn out after continual practice, can't keep up motivation/find people to play with. Tired of playing alone.