I have attended NO only all my life and I personally have not seen irreverent liturgies, even the simple ones. However I think that priests elsewhere are too creative and abuses such as clown masses and inappropriate music definitely happen, and for these reasons I can understand why people want to go back to the Old Rite.

I think the Pope is also right in punishing Sede’s such as Vigano, as they are essentially Protestants at this point. Having said that, I am wondering what the Vatican is doing to fight liturgical abuses, were offending priests actually punished and are rules in place to prevent them and clarify what the “ Spirit of Vatican II” meant because the root of the problem seem to be the confusion surrounding it.

Edit: If I am the priest I would move the tabernacle from the side altar back to the original central place in the Church since the Eucharist is the core, and architecture should reflect theology.