Struggling a bit right now.

Same-sex physical intimacy is a sin, I want to start there because I know that much is true.

I'm 27M and have felt attraction to both men and women for as long as I can remember. I'm not "out"., never intended to be intimate with a guy - I want a wife and children and to be a father someday. Repressing the gay attraction (since that's what I'm supposed to do!) has complicated relationships in the past. I've had girlfriends. I've been in love and loved their femininity and how the love between myself and a girl feels so fully natural.

But there's always this other attraction in my head. I've broken off relationships with girlfriends in the past because I didn't feel like the man they needed me, because these desires were still there. The same-sex attraction has been going away over the years. I'm at the age where friends are married and having children and I'm single once again and feel like I must have something broken inside me.

I fell in love a few weeks ago, with someone I met online. The first time in my life that I loved another guy for his whole being. Not as an object, nothing disordered, all very intense. This was my first time feeling truly known by another person. The kind of intimacy that makes you feel closer to God and pray for them and think about them throughout the day with a knot in your stomach. Being able to love someone this way gave me such an overwhelming sense of relief and clarity. With him there was nothing to hide. But we broke contact last week. I was afraid, I want a family. Men of God do not love other men that way.

This whole experience has me searching. Why has God put this desire in me? Why did I feel a love, with another guy, that felt so pure and spiritually close to my core? Where in God's plan is there space for romantic love like this if it can only end in sin? It's a mystery to me.

Understanding myself has always led to a better understanding of God and His love and His will for my life. I'm looking toward the Church for answers here because I'm really lost right now.