Catholic Dating

r/CatholicDating20.8K subscribers8 active
/r/CatholicDating MatchMaking Thread [M]ale Posts Here (MUST BE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OF AGE TO PARTICIPATE)

Gentlemen! Please post your age, where you are from (at least the country), and some of your interests. Since this thread tends to be very United States centric, a long running international matching-making thread (combined male and female) is available. Please check for a stickied comment at the top of this post for an updated link and, if there isn't one, definitely smack us up side the head via this link so we put one up and update the AutoModerator schedule for next month.

Check out our Discord server for more matchmaking opportunities!!!

Also want an experience with pictures? Check our our partners at CatholicLuv!

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/r/CatholicDating MatchMaking Thread [F]emale Posts Here (MUST BE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OF AGE TO PARTICIPATE)

Ladies! Please post your age, where you are from (at least the country), and some of your interests. Since this thread tends to be very United States centric, a long running international matching-making thread (combined male and female) is available. Please check for a stickied comment at the top of this post for an updated link and, if there isn't one, definitely smack us up side the head via this link so we put one up and update the AutoModerator schedule for next month.

Check out our Discord server for more matchmaking opportunities!!!

Also want an experience with pictures? Check our our partners at CatholicLuv!

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Making life decisions around someone who may or may not existcasual conversation

For all of the single people out there, how do you all go about making choices in your life that potentially could affect your future spouse?

So for some context I (28M) am getting tired of renting and commuting and am looking at potentially buying a downtown condo that's literally right across the street from my work and a 5 minute or less walk to a bunch of other places I frequent (cathedral, adoration chapel, library, parks, restaurants, etc.)

Now, I'm still single, and dating hasn't exactly been going great for me, and I'd still like to get married, but I feel that if I were to get married anytime soon, buying this condo would be a mistake for multiple reasons (potentially take a loss on it if selling too quickly, too small for a family, it's downtown so there's often seedy people around the area, etc). But that's currently an unknown variable - I could meet someone tomorrow, a couple years from now, or never. The last thing I want to do is start out a marriage in a bad financial situation taking a loss on a huge purchase. But I also don't want to put my life on hold for someone who may not even exist.

So how does your desire to get married and have a family affect your decisions? Not just housing, but things in general (e.g. choosing a college major that can support a family vs one that you're more passionate about, buying a coupe car, etc.)

by danceswithcarrotsSingle ♂
How to politely tell a girl I’m not interested

Ugh, yes it’s me again and yes this is the 4th post I’ll be making about my Ya group. Basically, in the YA group chat she brought up running a 10k. I’m a runner so that got us and a few other runners in the group talking about running and then weightlifting. A few hours later she DM’d me privately trying to continue the conversation. It became really clear to me early on that she was into me because she was being very flirty with her messages. She also kept rapid fire asking me questions and texting me non-stop. Even when I would say something like “yeah I gtg” or would stop responding, she’d try to revive the conversation maybe an hour later.

She’s not ugly or a bad person, but considering that I’m new to the group this amount of eagerness and flirtatiousness is really offputting and kinda making me uncomfortable. She hasn’t said anything egregious or even asked me out, but every friend I’ve talked to and shown the messages was like “ok yeah she’s definitely into you.”

I have a feeling if I call her out on her flirtatiousness or directly tell her that I can tell she’s into me, but I don’t feel the same, it could jeopardize my status within the group. Also, I’d rather do this sooner rather than later so she doesn’t think I’m leading her on and so she doesn’t latch onto me (perhaps literally) at the next YA event.

I feel like a hypocrite because I made a post a few days ago literally talking about how asking someone out in a group isn’t that weird… yet here I am on the opposite side of things.

by Ok_Message_7256Single ♂
Realistic Career Goals as a Catholic Woman

I know so many men want a traditional catholic wife who will stay at home to raise the kids while they go off to work. I've seen it on CatholicMatch as I go through the profiles. I have a different desire for my career and for my family life as a wife. I believe working outside of the home can be very beneficial and my career path is to be a doctor, work for NASA or some space program, create a company for someone else to manage, and I considered being president, but I might have to take that one out... It's a little unrealistic. I know being an astronaut as an MD is possible while owning a company and going on to build a hospital/medical center, but I am a woman and I'd rather have 2 kids and do this versus none of it with 8. Oh and I want to live in NYC.

This is mostly from the lack of Catholic pursuits I've seen other than super evangelism on social media. There's no drive to create a better world. I mean we may have St. Jude but the methodist and presbyterian hospitals are just popping up... I am finding it challenging to find a man who I can be honest with and say "This is what I want, do you want to be apart of it?" without scaring them off.

Catholic events, YA groups, and fear of being THAT guydating advice

Hey guys. I’ve been going to some more Catholic events and thinking about YA groups and such. My main reason for going is to meet Catholics and have some form of community because outside of these groups I really only have 1 Catholic friend but he’s a bit cultural (he’s still my friend ofc!)

To avoid repeating too much what has been said and posted before by other people on this sub, I’ve also come to the conclusion that these groups and events aren’t really great at fostering 1-1 interactions. Everyone sticks to their own established circle and it’s a bit awkward trying to force myself in and try to follow along with the conversations especially when they’re about inside jokes or prior events / hangouts that happened outside of the group’s official meetings. This problem gets exacerbated when the groups or events don’t happen frequently (like 1-2x a month). I find this to be too infrequent to form long lasting connections. Now, seeing how close some of the people are in that group I can infer they do hangout outside the group and I’d love to be invited although I don’t know how to express that well.

Take, for example, a college club that I’m part of. It’s chemistry/biochemistry related although none of our events are related to the topic. There’s usually an event every other week and on top of that we all see each other either in the same chemistry classes or in the chemistry lounge. Also, despite the group being “nerdy” it doesn’t feel uncomfortable? Even though people tend to stick with their grade levels (lower class men with lower class men), it feels more welcoming.

Now let’s address the elephant in the room: dating. It’s no secret that a large majority if not everyone comes to these events with dating prospects. It’s nothing to be ashamed about. I mean, how else would you meet similar minded people? I’m sure you can see where I’m headed with this. Unfortunately, despite this being a secret commonality between most in the group, there’s definitely a stigma associated with dating within the group. I’m sure you all have or heard horror stories of that one weird guy/girl that made someone or the group itself uncomfortable by being too forward or pushy. Because of this and combined with the lack of 1-1 interactions, dating seems uncommon. Everyone (myself included) is too afraid of being THAT guy/girl. If the person says no, there’s a fear of ostracization. For example, I’m very new to my current YA group and only have been to 2 events. There’s a girl there I find cute, but I’ve only talked to her once very briefly and she was with her sister and other friend. I would like to talk to her more 1-1 but there’s seemingly no opportunity because, again, she’s always with her sister or other friends. Obviously, a solution to this would be to ask her out. I’m reluctant to do this for several reasons. First, I’ve only had one very surface level conversation with her. Second, with the lack of 1-1 moments I’d have to resort to DMing her on either IG or the GroupMe chat we are apart of. This doesn’t quite sit right with me. Third, and this is the biggest one, is considering my newbie status and the fact I barely know her, it would imply I’m only going to these events just to date. For me, a date is very very casual and it’s for exact situations like these (where you want to hangout alone and get to know each other better), but I find many women treat a first date like a marriage proposal. I’ve had problems before with waiting too long to ask a girl out and getting “friend zoned.” However, I can understand her perspective/being hesitant since a basic level of trust should be established first.

What do you all think? Has anyone been in a similar situation or can relate? I’m open to any perspectives, especially if you’re a woman, feel free to chime in!

by Ok_Message_7256Single ♂
Do all men struggle with 🌽?casual conversation

My current bf is a addict. He is trying to stop, but I am struggling alot with how this hurts me.

I'm just wondering if all men struggle with this addiction? Especially Catholic men?

Edit: and is it worse if he was addicted to Only Fans? Thank you for all the answers so far 🙏

Do Messages on Catholic Match expire after a year?dating apps

I ask this because just today I was looking back at some of my older messages that I sent when I first got into online dating (almost 2 years ago) and lets just say that my pickup line of "" is still there and it actually causes me pain.

Acting distant but denying itRelationship advice

My girlfriend (35) and I (40) have been dating exclusively for a little over two months. We hit it off at the beginning and have since had dates that usually last several hours. We've bonded over difficulties with family members not accepting our faith, as well as bonded over our mental health backgrounds, and our reversion to the faith a little later in life. We laugh a lot and seem happy most of the time, and enjoy similar interests in reading, music, art and faith topics.

Anyway, tonight we met at a coffee shop and she was acting "off" from the beginning. She seemed distracted, curt and seemed to be forcing a smile. Our conversation felt more like an awkward interview following a scripted questionnaire. She had asked me a few weeks ago to introduce me to her folks, sister and her husband tomorrow. I accepted, knowing that she has had a somewhat difficult time with them over the years. I got a sense that she was worried about this because she seemed very jumpy for about an hour until we moved outside of the coffee shop and sat at a table. Then she suddenly mellowed out and was back to what I thought was her usual self.

I asked her directly if everything was okay and when she asked me why I wondered that, I said that she seemed preoccupied like something was wrong. She denied it without hesitation and countered that she was "concerned" that I felt that way when she told me nothing was wrong. It felt like she was turning the matter back on me and I felt like it was borderline gaslighting.

I get it that my meeting her family is a little nerve wracking for her and for me, but I am worried this style of flat denials and turning things back on me like I'm imagining things. How have you dealt with this? Say that you don't like your head being messed with?

Is anyone here in a LDR in a different country? If so how’s it going?Long Distance Relationships

Because I’m talking to a few women on CM that are in completely different areas in the world and I’m just curious if any of you are doing the same.

Do Hinge filters not work for anyone else?dating apps

I select "Catholic" and "dealbreaker" and still mostly get profiles that aren't Catholic. It seems that if you don't select anything for religion, you don't get filtered out (which is dumb).

by Seethi110Single ♂
Update on second date with a shy guy

Hey y’all, I posted here about going on a second date with a shy guy as an extroverted girl and got lots of good advice. I thought it went well but unfortunately he didn’t feel like we were romantically compatible :( feeling pretty down about it, he said he would be down to remain friends but I know that’s typically just a guy being nice (which at least he didn’t ghost me. If you do that, Stop that.) so I’m not really sure if I’ll take that offer as I see him more than platonically and I’m also not sure if he even means it. I want to see him again but idk. Anyway, thank you sub for the advice and comments, ‘twas appreciated

Should I end the friendship if he refuses to let it goRelationship advice

Last spring, an acquaintance from the Newman Center texted me out of the blue. He did not ask me out, but indicated interest. I politely indicated I was not interested. We wound up in the same friend group over the summer and became friends.

In the fall, he informed me he was going to apply to seminary. As such, I felt it was appropriate to spend more time in his friend group when I was invited to things. Discerning the priesthood meant that he was not open to dating anyone, including me. We became good friends, and I soon became integrated into the friend group as a regular (movie nights, going to bars, playing cards, etc).

Anyway, I ended up having a conversation with him a couple months later to confirm that he only saw me as a friend. I did this because I noticed that he would wait beside me after mass even when I was talking to someone else. He confirmed he saw me platonically. A month or so after that, he asked me to go to a Newman dance with him. I said yes because he asked me casually in front of a couple friends, and he said he was going to seminary. I called him the next day to confirm it was platonic, and he did just that.

Another three months passed (April), and he tells me he is no longer even applying to seminary. The alarms started to go off in my brain. He asked to hang out 3-4 times that week, and each time I declined even when I did not have plans. He then asked to speak to me privately and very strangely asked if he was "still barking up the wrong tree." I then explained that I still only see him as a friend, and that I would give him space but would try to set up another group event in a couple weeks if that was okay with him. He took it well, and I thought everything was fine.

I have since graduated and came to visit some college friends. I asked if he would like to grab coffee after mass. I invited another friend as well, but he was unavailable. Anyway, he was super weird and wouldn't make eye contact during coffee.

I de-activated my instagram but logged back in last night. I read DMs from him claiming that I had led him on for attention to fuel my ego. He gave several examples of how I "pushed the boundaries of friendship," but omitted certain details to strengthen his narrative. I also have encouraged him to pursue women he has indicated interest in. I apologized for having hurt him, but I explained that he needed to accept some hard facts. I corrected his omissions and very bluntly told him he should not have told me he wanted to be a priest and confirm he saw me platonically if those things were not true. While I was not perfect, I believe I did my due diligence to protect his feelings, and I suggested that he take more ownership of his mistakes.

He apologized and said that I was right. He said he knew his immaturity was damaging to our friendship, but he wanted to be better and still be friends. He is older than I am, but still in college. I have moved since graduating this spring, so letting go of the friendship is easier. I value his friendship and good-humor, but I am not sure if he can let it go since this appears to be a repeat conversation. I also did not appreciate being made out to be an attention whore--he said that he was "tricked into falling for me." Although I have forgiven him for that particular statement, I am fearful that he will continue to try to make me feel guilty moving forward. I would also like to get together with our friends in the future, but I also understand that it might not be in his best interest. What are your thoughts?

Losing hope as a guy. What am I doing wrong?Single Life

I'm a life-long Catholic, late 30s, virginal, who had a depression phase and then a Trad phase. Both were not really times I dated.

I've gone on so many dates in 4 years that I don't even mention them to friends and family unless we've dated for a solid month.

I've met many nice girls, most also in their mid-late 30s, and the ones I've liked have usually just given me text messages calling it off because they felt we were better off as a "friends."

The last one I dated, although she was not very participating in the church, seemed to be ok with the fact I was. I cooked her meals, picked her up a lot, watched movies, walks, went to BBQs, gave her flowers when she was sick - I get a text dumping.

I am a giver - I like to show my affection by giving and doing. I've been rather stunted by my time as a Trad to not be so "rough" physically. Meaning, not just randomly making-out in public, or grabbing random body parts at random times, or doing heavy, passionate whatever.

I am aware that secular types probably expect a lot more physicality and spontaneity from a guy, so I feel like I'm not a good candidate for them (plus I'm very pro-life, and so many pro-choice people cannot accept this).

To be a successful dater, I thought conversation and time spent together was key, followed by physical affection too. I've heard so many girls in my circle of church friends complain about guys being too up-front; of asking out too many women; of being too sexually-charged; of being fake in their intentions.

I feel pretty dejected lately and unworthy of love

How long should courtship be?casual conversation

What is an appropriate courtship period and how long was yours?

How to deal with a heartbreak?Breakup

I had to end a relationship with a guy whom I liked very much as we were not on the same page regarding many things. He was a part of my life in a big way. I’m grieving but I really don’t know what else to do. There is so much pain and hurt that I feel. I do miss him as well.

Can no longer message mutual matches on CM without premium?dating apps

Got a notification someone liked me on CatholicMatch. Despite the blurring, I was able to match it to someone in my local search, found their profile, and I liked what I saw so I liked them back. Despite this, when I then try to send her a message, CM keeps blocking me and insisting I pay for premium.

I already had a low opinion of CM, but now it's hit rock bottom.

by RegirulerSingle ♂
Catholic Match Datingdating apps

I’m sort of questioning my choices and also my ability to date.

I’ve been trying going on dates, in person three times, online 7-8 times, for the last year and a half, but I’ve had a lot of issues along the way. I’ve met many good men, but none worked out so far.

I’m starting to realize that perhaps maybe I have some issues to work through. My prayer life isn’t quite up to par, and I can’t seem to even bring myself to look at any dating website anymore. Even responding feels like this terrible and giant hassle, because I invest so much into each person I meet.

But more than that, I’m realizing that maybe I’m not ready for the kind of relationship I want and desire? Which is my own husband and family, my own children.

Do you all have any recommendations? Do you think perhaps this is a season where the Lord would have me prepare for marriage, financially, prayerfully, instead of investing time and energy into meeting many men?

For background I live in a rural area, and I’m not financially ready for marriage or children even. And honestly I’m not a great conversationalist. 😂 Total introvert.

Are Catholic dating apps any good?dating apps

Hi, I'm a young man from the rural Southwestern US and i was wondering if Catholic dating apps are actually any good at finding mates? You see there aren't a lot of young women at my Church my age Who regularly come to service, They usually come on only days of Obligation with their parents and typically look pretty disinterested, so it's been hard meeting someone.

Now some of my friends, brother and sister-law (who aren't Catholic) have recommended getting me on Catholic dating apps, Generally I've never been interested in them, however they've said they would just run them themselves and get me on dates, but some of the things they've said about how they would run it has me concern especially with my profession and personality.

So i think if in the end i'm gonna be on a dating app i Should run it myself, So back to my question. Are Catholic dating apps any useful and if I'm gonna use it what app should I use? Thank you

Question about talking to multiple people (before officially dating)dating apps

So there's a couple people who I've been talking to online about a potential relationship, getting to know, etc. It's been only about a week or less, but I'm worried I'm doing something wrong. I've made sure to specify that we are not in an exclusive relationship, and once I do commit of course I would stop talking to anyone else. Am I doing anything wrong here?

Losing Hopedating advice

I’ve been on multiple first dates recently and all of them went super well, or so I thought, until getting texted the next day saying that they don’t connect with me. I’m beginning to wonder if I’m meant to be alone forever. Any prayers or advice will help.

Need advice on navigating this situation

Earlier this year, I (29m) met a woman (30f) online. We are both "skilled" immigrants to Western Europe from a region in Eastern Europe that has very few Catholics (the region is predominantly Orthodox). This means we share some rare traits and a similar background. She’s a devout cradle Catholic, pretty conservative, and I am a relatively recent convert. We live in the same country but are about 3-4 hours apart.

We talked quite a bit before meeting in person in her city for a whole weekend. I thought it went very well, so I proposed we have a discussion about our relationship. During our phone conversation, she said she wasn’t feeling it and didn’t want to lead me on. This was a bit of a surprise to me, but I suggested we stay friends since we clicked intellectually. She is the only Catholic I know personally who shares my cultural background and native tongue, and I value her perspective more than that of the local Catholics my age, who are often shy and lukewarm about their faith. She agreed, mentioning that it’s important that no one gets hurt in the process.

We did remain friends and actually started texting more than before, especially on serious topics like faith and family life. During this time, there were a couple of interactions that I interpreted as signs of her becoming more comfortable with me. So, I decided to visit her city a second time and proposed some fun activities. She agreed to meet, and we spent another weekend together. We had a lot of fun, and she was noticeably flirtier than during our first meeting. I matched her energy but didn’t try to escalate anything further, focusing on having a good time. I also casually mentioned that she’s welcome to visit my city, which also has nice things to see and do.

The question is: is there anything more I should do in terms of initiating? Should I wait to see if she comes up with something? Especially after this second meet-up, I feel like our interactions are not entirely appropriate for just friendship (if either of us wasn’t single). This current dynamic is unfamiliar to me, as I normally avoid having close female friends after a couple of instances in my early 20s where women wanted more from me than I did from them.

Boyfriends and unwillingness to go out with me. Relationship advice

To;dr: boyfriend of one year isn’t making time for us to have quality time and we are staring down the barrel of a long distance relationship.

I just don’t know what to say or do right now. I have been dating my boyfriend for a year now and I truly do love him. He brings out so many amazing qualities in me and pushes me to be the best I can be. I hope I do the same for him as well.

But my issue is that we don’t really do things together. Don’t get me wrong we see each other at least twice a week, but it’s always the same family dinner and then me doing my thing beside him while he looks for jobs.

I was hoping now that he was done university we would be able to do more things but it hasn’t been the case. I had to twist his arm to do an ice cream date. I was hoping for us to go paddle boarding this weekend since my company gave us an extra long weekend but he said his schedule was full. That’s fine but when I called him today to talk, he said he cancelled some things and was relaxing at home!

I am trying so hard to not be needy since he is going through some health things but I really just want to do something beyond a walk or swim workouts. I want him to want to do things outside of the house rather than just stay at home. And I feel so bad for feeling this way because he is so great otherwise.

He also is the worst texter. His phone is on silent so often times I will shoot him a text or call in the late afternoon and get a message around 10pm saying that he’s sorry he forgot to check his phone.

Especially since he may be moving to the next city over, and it’s a 4 hour drive. It’s not super long distance but long enough that we won’t see each other every week. I told him that I’m not worried but I’m scared and that’s the truth.

Edit: I have been paying for most things or we go Dutch on the bill. It’s been a bit since he’s paid for a date out. There’s been a handful of times that he’s paid for a date night in (which I love and tell him how much I appreciate). There’s also been some health things as he is a hypochondriac and when something minor happens it makes him very paranoid. Which is happening right now.

Interfaith Relationship: Update, revisit and seeking clarity and advice on discernmentBreakup

I had posted about my interfaith relationship(she is Hindu and me catholic) on r/Catholicism and here about an year back as well as 5 months back respectively and the comments and insights given had helped me. Here are those 2 posts

This post will have what is the current status, a revisit of the relationship(how it started and how was it going) and certain questions mainly related to discernment.

This post will be long , be patient . pray well and read. do give advices, corrections, thoughts whatever u guys feel.

Update of the relationship:

  • we both talked to families, as told in the posts my family was against. I tried again talking to my sister who is a nun, she was also not in supportive of taking this relation ahead due to some intuitions she was getting. She talked with parents as well and they were also on the stand that this relationship wont do good in future with, whatever limited knowledge they had about it.
  • Her family tried to have a convo with my fam, but didn't yield anything in support of us. And her family is now looking for groom and she is proceeding with one proposal.

Revisit of the relationship: This included things i haven't mentioned in those posts


  • So, our relation started 1.5 years back. we both are out of our hometowns for work. Her mother died a few years back and her mother was separated from her husband due to some issues, which lead to she being lonely since she couldnt form a bond with her father after her mothers death. And when she was working with me, she felt the love of her mother in me(warmth was the exact word she told) and proposed me. I was telling no initially saying i will only look for catholic girls and was not interseted.
  • Some context about me, I was a guy who was at hometown till the time i got this job and havnt stayed away from home yet .This was my first time away from home. I was struggling with Pornography and also masturbation as well.
  • She just asked for a hug from me, since i reminded her of her mother. And the request was genuine as she was missing her mother. Here is where my mind slipped and this is first time i would feel a woman body. I agreed to her request and also told I wont be able to stop if things go to kissing to her. She told okay and i went to her place. We started with hug but it went into kissing intensively.
  • This went on for weeks , there was no penetrative s*x yet but there was other acts involved. In short it was hedonistic. I didnt back out from it since it was giving pleasure for me, even though i knew this may not culminate in marriage. And the day i used to meet her was mostly sundays, (missing the church and mass).

Intermediate stage:

  • we still were continuing the act. But, i started feeling she loves me a lot as well care for me a lot. There were fights in between due to she being possessive when i interact with other female colleagues of mine.
  • We gradually started having s*x as well. I also started thinking of bringing her into my life as well, since i had this feeling (i should only have s*x with my wife and now that i had with her she should be with me).She started joining with me for church and mass, i started telling her things about church(it was a hypocritic when i was indulging in sexual acts, i know). I also had requested her to convert for the marriage, due to which she became interested about church and jesus.
  • I was also getting attracted by the love she had towards me and desired it for lifetime. But things were uncertain about future. And we still continued .Physical intimacy bonded us very much together i would say.
  • She also actively started learning about jesus and started reading bible. In church she always prays to mary and crucifix .All these made me feel god will unite us. But i used to pray ,"god i would like to have her, give her if possible.But only if u feel its good for us"
  • She talked in her family wen her father asked about marriage, and her father was okay for it. I asked her some time and eventually i also talked in my family which they opposed(\_relationship/).

Final stage:

  • I told her i will talk again somehow .we continued going out together, sleeping together as it was. And after a month again i told my sister she is a nun in catholic church. She told she will pray and tell me. She was also getting intutions that this relation wont do good. she also consulted some of her senior mentors who also said the success rate of interfaith marriages is low and there can be issues ahead.
  • I didnt discern it on my own thoroughly, reason being , me in sin can go wrong. So , i kind of outsourced discernment to my sister and went ahead with the same. I was also reading through articles videos as well whether i should or not. My mind was also not getting it might do well. I was getting the feeling that she is good for me, but i aint good for a girl like her.
  • My gf, she was crying several times, and requesting me to try to convince my family somehow. I used to tell her , god is not wanting this relation , my family and mainly sister feels so. And i did make sure to ask sister , "we are making a correct decision right? i dont wanna go wrong with her. I also love her". To which she answered, "i have told u my feeling. rest u can decide. whatever u will take we will be with you"
  • And i didnt want to go wrong , and went ahead with the decision of my sister.
  • And in the end stages also, when we were sure of this wont go ahead, we involved in physical relation, mostly upon my request.(there was selfishness at certain points, fear of this relation ending, i wont be able to be with her for long).

My thoughts and questions:

  • I am extremely in pain when i think of her, she was a very nice girl, I wanted her in my life. Now that she is proceeding with another proposal, it is like she is gone forever. And i am doubting my decision .
  • did i go wrong? should i have taken firm stand for her instead of outsourcing the decision and putting blame on god?
  • I used to tell , "this might not be what god wants!!". Now that she is gine and i can think from her pov, thats a pathetic thing to say someone.
  • I agree the relation was hedonistic, but there was also love. thats y i used to pray ,"god i would like to have her, give her if possible.But only if u feel its good for us". I just cannot accept the reality now. Should i have prayed directly what i wanted?
  • I didnt wanted to go wrong in my decision , thus i dragged too much god into our conversations. feels like i did wrong.
  • there was multiple things which was bad in the course of this relation mainly including the LUST factor, use of Gf as object at certain points.

I am totally broken at this stage! many regrets about relationship and the decision i made. And i want a clarity on discerning. how to decide what is right to do?
I am sounding naive towards the end ,and while describing the initial paragraphs itself i could realise the level of sin involved in our relation.

Trusting in God Re: Finding the Right PersonSingle Life

I know that we have to trust in God for everything. I’m having a hard time trusting in God in regards to finding the right person. As a man, I know that I have to do my part in putting myself out there and talking to women to see if there’s potential. If I were to play videogames all day and say “God will do the rest,” I would most likely never find someone. My question is: how much of this is trusting in God vs me having to do my part? I find myself frustrated because I’m not sure if I’m doing enough/doing my part in God’s plan.

/r/CatholicDating International MatchMaking Thread (MUST BE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OF AGE TO PARTICIPATE)

Hello all! Welcome to the international MatchMaking thread! Since the normal threads tend to be US centric, we created this thread for those who either live outside of the United states or are interested in dating internationally. Please post your age, gender and location as well as some of your interests. Best of luck!

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