This case has drawn a lot of strong reactions and many questions, for good reason. But while watching a documentary on the case after listening to the podcast episode, they showed one photo that Colleen's family took of her and Cameron while she was on one of the visits that he had granted to her during her captivity. It's one that shows them both smiling for the camera as she's leaning in with her arms wrapped around him.

Now it's one thing to try to act happy for the camera and do whatever the bare minimum is to not draw any major suspicions, but I have to say, aside from her maybe looking a bit more tired than he did, they really sold themselves as a happy couple quite well. Even I, despite knowing the dark and sinister story behind it felt a little sentimental just looking at it.

I had actually already seen the photo thru Google search prior to watching but didn't entirely believe it was her embracing him until I saw the docu. With him, it probably isn't all that surprising given how many perps like him know how to hide their dark side from the general public. But I kind of now understand why there were still a lot of people that doubted whether Colleen was actually coerced into her captivity at the hands of Cameron and why they may have felt the need to grant Janice immunity for her testimony. Especially with the fake love letters and how there wasn't a lot of awareness of how long-term abuse affected victims and the culture at the time about how to deal with it particularly as a woman in a relationship, a photo like that could really sway the public on an emotional level.

The photo: