
Anyone Recognize This Handwriting?

I know it’s a long shot, but I figured I’d try. I found the first note on my car May 3rd and the second one on my living room window this morning. I laughed the first one off as being patently absurd, but the second one escalates to wishing me harm. It’s an absurd wish, but an escalation nonetheless. I’m pretty sure it’s targeted harassment as my car isn’t parked by my long room, so this person knows both my car and which unit in a 6 unit building is mine. None of my neighbors that I’ve asked have received similar letters. I’ve filed a report with the I know it’s a long shot, but I figured I’d try. I found the first note on my car May 3rd and the second one on my living room window this morning. I laughed the first one off as being patently absurd, but the second one escalates to wishing me harm. It’s an absurd wish, but an escalation nonetheless. I’m pretty sure it’s targeted harassment as my car isn’t parked by my long room, so this person knows both my car and which window is mine. None of my neighbors that I’ve asked have received similar letters.

I bike 10 miles to my job in Needham most days and drive a small four door when I’m not biking, so I don’t know what this person is on about. I doubt this is about the car or fan.

Repost cause I forgot the photos.