This is where we archive the dialogues around some of our best & most relatable responses to common struggles.

It's also a good place to visit if you are ever feeling alone. Find a tag that speaks to you. You are not alone.

Why is it hard to do things? 

Holding onto Hope & Finding the True Self 

The Stages of Healing 

The Struggle of Opening Up to a Therapist 


Defining Psychological Trauma 

A chart Defining BPD, PTSD, & CPTSD separately  

Accessing the Subconscious Mind 

A video on the impact of Criticism for the CPTSD survivor

Creativity and Shame 

Over-use of Depression as a Diagnosis

Is what happened to me bad enough for CPTSD? 

Can CPTSD be Cured 

Parenting and Co-Parenting with CPTSD 

Personal Trauma & Perceptions of Mass Tragedy 

Understanding for the Most Severe Traumas 

To Leave the Past in the Past, You have to talk about the Past 

Processing Old Memories 

Struggling with Real or False Memories 

Self Reliance