I have really just had enough of life.

All I have wanted for 15 years was a quiet, stable place to live, and to learn how to draw, and eventually make a business out of my art.

I'm so tired of dragging myself through life. I have moved every year, 1-3 times a year for 15 years, leaving toxic family members, shitty roommates, and all the noise. No matter how much I fight and stick up for myself, it never works. There is always something. There is always fucking something. I am so tired.

I have tried therapy. It doesn't work. I have nobody to rely on. Fuck I even have $20,000 fucking dollars that I got from the sale of a house for a dead family member unexpectedly, and even that won't help, it's not enough to just go somewhere and be, and even if I could, then what? What would I do? I can't drive, I don't have any skills, I have no motivation. I have a lesion on my brainstem and chronic stabbing nerve pain doctors don't know the cause of, my urine is foamy and I'm scared I have kidney disease, my legs have been swelling for 8 years and doctors tell me to do nothing but wear compression stockings.

I have been forcing myself to work 9-5 since i graduated, and I'm so done. The country (USA) is falling apart. I'm too stressed to be able to think. I'm so scared. I'm so so so so scared.

I'm tired of having hope. I kept making plans. I cashed out my meager retirement fund to try to work with functional medicine doctors to get someone who could help. But everything is triggering and I'm so stressed. I can't calm down. My apartment shakes and is so much closer to a highway than I realized. There's a loud thumping sound like someone's heavy foot falls that I can't determine the source of despite talking to all my neighbors, and I'm on the top floor. I just can't keep pushing myself to try, I've been pushing myself to live for so many years on the thinest string of hope and I just. I just. don't. have any anymore.

I just want to fucking rest. Just for a short time. Not do work. Not have to listen to noise. Not be required to do anything but apologize to my miserable lump of a self that I wasn't able to get the basics I needed because everything in the fucking world failed me.

I'm leaving. I'm so overwhelmed. I can't do this anymore.

I'm done.


EDIT: thank you to everyone who responded. I don't really know what I'm going to do yet. In 2020 I told myself I would give myself to 2024 but it's been really hard and I don't know if I'm going to last that long.

The comments here have me considering trying to find a single family/stand alone house (no apartment or townhouse) to rent, break my current apartment lease, and if I get better enough, get my driver's license. We'll see, I guess. I can't make any promises. But thank you for trying to support me.


EDIT 2: Very, very reluctantly, I'm still here. I realize I can't quite leave now that I have the nagging doubt of "what if quitting my lease and finding a house to rent once and for all even without a car is enough?" so...yeah. I really don't have that much hope it will make a difference, especially as my job has been trying to fuck with me recently, and for a lot of reasons this will be quite difficult to obtain. But it's enough of a what if. For now.

That said, nothing pulls me that strongly to stay. Violence is the modus operandi of all life and that is hard for me to accept. Human society is a cruel joke that thinks it's much funnier and interesting than it is and nothing about what people do (travel, marriage, kids, politics, work, religion) motivates or excites me. At all.

Life is not a gift for me, there are no gifts inside of me, and there is nothing precious about it. There's a couple things I like to do, and I don't want to be sick or be in pain, as much as I can avoid it. Some places are pretty. Some things people make are nice. That's really it for me. Whether I die today on ten years from now I will happy to not have to be in this miserable, sick place anymore, and I'm definitely out if my health issues get to a point of no return.

I say all that to extend a special thank you to all of you who have not come from the "life is a gift" angle, who said they respected my choice, and to the moderators who have left this post up despite reddit temporarily removing it. I did not think there would be so many of you who would show support that way. Sometimes life just doesn't work for people. They are incompatible with it. It would have been better for them to not have been. I wish society acknowledged that reality and made space for people like us.