I hope this question is okay. I know everyone is different when it comes to healing but it would just be nice to hear from others since I have nobody in my life who can relate to this stuff.

I have been in therapy for my alcoholism and CPTSD for 8ish months now. I have two different therapists for each issue and they know about each other and work with each other. Most of my time in therapy has consisted of CBT with some somatic and DBT stuff thrown in here and there. I haven't been in therapy before this so I figured I would start with CBT and go from there. I know from posts here and other things I have read, CBT is often not enough for people for CPTSD and I am starting to agree for myself personally. It is nice to talk to someone every week but I think I need to start digging even deeper if you know what I mean to actually start healing and hopefully get some more control over my deliberating anxiety which is my main symptom that affects my day to day life. For example, I still have trouble with people who raise their voices and try to be argumentative or confrontational with me or other people. I still tend to dissociate and shut down when it happens. This has caused me to have trouble keeping a long term job.

So what I was wondering for all of you in this community if you would be open to sharing what types of therapy you all been doing and maybe some examples of things you been working on?