I'm terrible at being on time. Always have been.

I get this anxiety and self-loathing feeling about my history of lateness every morning before I leave the house. (There may be a sprinkle of agoraphobia going on) I make myself anywhere from 5-30 minutes late every single goddamn day for a low-bar, late morning job. (Several years ago it was worse—like 45 minutes on average)

Sure enough, every time I clock in late I get this sinking, pit in my stomach, 'Really? You've done it again for the 10 millionth time!? internal eye-roll WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!? STOP DOING THIS, UGH!!'. And then I start my day on edge from embarrassment because I can sense the mild disappointment in my behavior from my boss and co-workers.

I attempt to gloss over this moment with jokes and distracting conversation. Sometimes I embellish stories about my commute, passing off funny mishaps or anecdotes about strangers as excuses for my at least once a week lateness. Really trying to stop doing this because I know it's not acceptable or cute.

It's irritating because I know I am doing all of this to myself for absolutely no reason and I'm not fooling anyone. I've been stuck in this loop for what feels like an eternity—definitely since childhood.

My saving grace is that I am really, really good at what I do, I have an obsessive commitment to the work, and I compulsively stay late to complete tasks. I have achieved a high enough level of expertise and respect among my industry peers that I know I won't actually get fired, but I am constantly on edge because of my own non-sensical self-sabotage. It's honestly driving me absolutely bonkers.

I have always had trouble with grasping the concept of time. 10 minutes and 30 minutes feel exactly the same. An hour vs 3 hours makes little difference to me. I can easily work for 10 hours straight with no break and not even notice. Two weeks ago might as well have been two months ago. If it weren't for the changing of the seasons, I would have absolutely no sense of a year passing.

I know that this is rooted in trauma, but in this vague, impossible to place way. It is incredibly frustrating and I feel like I've already wasted a good chunk of my life worrying about this issue and scheming up ways to solve it with limited success. At this point, I'm starting to think this is some weird version of self-harm.

I'm currently living by a series of alarms that go off every 15 or 30 minutes with different chimes corresponding to different mundane tasks that keep me functioning at a level of semi-normalcy. This has helped marginally, but I find it cumbersome, annoying, and that the constant alarm sounds exacerbate my anxiety. It has not helped me grasp time better either, which I was really hoping for with this admittedly slightly eccentric idea I concocted for myself.

If anyone has any insight, experience, suggestions, even just commiseration, I would greatly appreciate it.